Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sorry its such a long one folks!

Well today has been very long, for some reason or other... possibly because I've done quite a lot...

This morning I went into Exeter (well, Sowton, which is an industrial estate just outside of Exeter) to get my camera exchanged, as it was broken... having been told to do so by the camera repair people affiliated with PC World, where the camera was bought. However, when I got to the store, I was told I was wrong and would have to go home and phone up the repair people again and go through lots of hassle to get my camera fixed. But, I was feeling a little under the weather this morning, and a little stressy, so I didn't take no for an answer, and basically told John (the PC World man) that he should phone up the people I spoke to because they had told me something different. He did this (he's bright, is John, knows not to mess with an irritable woman)... and after a while, admitted that PC World has not updated their policy thingy-majig and that I WAS RIGHT! Hurrah... so after a bit more hassle, and a quick re-route to Tesco's opposite for sustainance (in the shape of a doughnut) whilst waiting for my mum to come and sign the new direct debit agreement thingy, I am now the proud owner of a brand new Olympus camera! Yay!.... and it has 5 megapixels, instead of 4... so its even a bit of an upgrade! Wow.

After this, we drove into Exeter and went to a new 'Oriental fusion noodle bar', in which we shared a couple of massive bowls of noodle soup... which was yummy and very nice, especially as we very rarely ever eat out...

Then, my sister, brother (Adam, not Oscar) and I went to the cinema to see Scary Movie 4. If you look for real poignant, meaningful exchanges in a film, don't go and see this one. If you like a cheap laugh and a few grimaces, or Charlie Sheen, go ahead and see it. It was good crappy fun, and a nice excuse to spend time with my siblings! Afterwards we moseyed around the high street for a couple of hours, scouting for the best priced felt tip pens... (Bitz, £1)

Oh... and it was there that an awful thing happened... Tim you may want to look away now...
We were walking down the High St., which only buses are allowed to drive up and down. As we walked along, I spotted a pigeon in the middle of the road. Suddenly, I could no longer see pigeon, as a bus had gone over it!!! Luckily, the pigeon was between the wheels, not underneath them... all the same, we could hear flapping and see its wings being tossed and turned as the bus continued on above it... it was a horrible and sickening moment. Then suddenly, and to all our reliefs, the pigeon flew out from under the bus, and away up into the sky, seemingly completely unharmed. Phew. I do hope it is ok, and that it is not too traumatised by its near death experience. Tim you can look back now...

Anyway, that was the general outline of my day... the evening has been spent chatting with my family, and watching a film together (Hitch), which was nice.. now I'm going to go and process some photos! Wooo! Then tomorrow is my last full day at home...which is weird, I kind of don't want it to be, but then in many other ways am very glad it is! Odd, huh, but there you go, that is me! Love and all, don't go getting run over by any buses, and if you must do, make sure you can fly out from underneath afterwards! xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

I bet it was just a daredevil pigeon showing off. Where there a group of female pigeons nearby, cooing and clapping at the end?

Andrew_tM said...

The point of such a thing makes me wonder about those TV announcers saying "divert your attention elsewhere if you don't want to find out today's scores" - how are you supposed to know when to look back? Should you just guess? It makes no sense.

Emmie-lou said...

Wow...busy day! Shame about the pigeon...

wenstumped said...

Cool! A new camera! Maybe u could take a couple of pictures and post them on the blog! Maybe go hunting for that pigeon even! Hmmm! Maybe it was one of them pigeons from that cartoon 'Valiant'! They seemed to get into trouble easy enough.