Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I've got a brand new pair of rollerskates... you've got a brand new key...

Hello people, animals and aliens... well today started off well on the work front... I was up at 9.30, and after breakfasting and tidying and general greeting of the day, I got down to work by about 10.30... not revision, mind, but work all the same. This lasted well, until about 1.30 when my mum arrived back, and my sister finished the film she was watching. I stopped work and we had lunch together, which was nice... at about 3.30 maybe I got back on the computer to do some more work, sadly though, by that time, MSN had found me, and I didn't get much done! Then my brothers came home from school, and it's all been downhill from there on the work front. Has been a good evening though, family-wise... though we had a rather morbid discussion over tea about what songs we would want to be played at our funerals... I still can't decide! Anyway, I just thought I'd do this quickly, I'm about to go and read my little brother a story and put him to bed (very late, I know!).

Just one quick, teensy weensy thought... What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning? Most likely it will be one of the following;
a) What you have to do that day
b) I wish I was still asleep, or some other such complaint
c) An anxiety/worry in your life
How often do we wake up and think... wow! I'm alive... and the sun has risen for another day. I am so lucky! Because no matter how big or small my problems... I am alive, and I have the capacity to feel, to love, to laugh, to cry, to smile, to be moved, and to move other people.

Isn't that great? Shouldn't we be thankful?

Hope you're all safe and well, love etc xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

good blog, good blog. I do think aliens should count as people though!

I don't think when i wake up! My brain takes at least a few hours to get in gear-with the help of some brain flakes.
Its like i jus keep stalling til then

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

oh yes and dont forget to fill the kettle. Then you can have a stone cold cup of tea in the morning...muahahahaha

vix said...

thanks for the sympathy...