Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Goodbye Ruby Tuesday! Hello Chief Randy Person...

Who was Ruby Tuesday, and what did she do. If you want to know who Chief Randy Person is, go here...http://www.ci.xenia.oh.us/police/default.htm yes, he actually exists!

My day today has been seemingly uneventful. I managed to get my ass off the computer, into the conservatory, and reading some anthropology lecture notes (my eyes did the reading though, not my ass).. it worked for a little while, but errrr not as successful as I'd hoped. Oh well, we can but try, and trying I have done now. Guilt free and glorious!

In other news, I've spent a lot of time helping my Mum work out how to batch process files in Photoshop CS2, so that they are 'web ready', lots and lots of fun. Also been entertaining my sister and her friend.

Sadly, a walk looks unlikely today due to some very crappy weather, and I'm feeling quite cold... despite the fact that we got the Aga fixed! Yay! Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!

That's enough for now, love etc xxx


Emmie-lou said...

There was a study I read in psych about Randy Gardener...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Glad to hear about the aga. Aga man would be proud

wenstumped said...

Anthropology? Wow! That sounds boring! It would make a great bed time read though!! Cure for all insomniacs! Unless u like the subject of course!