Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tuesday beckons...

Today I fully intended to get up early, and continue with my work. It almost worked. Almost. I was actually awake at 8am, when my mum came in looking for some school trousers for Oscar. Aha! I thought... I'll sleep for another 90 minutes or so, then I shall get up and be saintly and studious. Alas, dear readers, 'twas not to be for, despite my having set my alarm clock... I promptly fell asleep and did not wake up again until 10.30! This, however, I still considered to be early enough, so I lugged myself out of bed and into the shower. Then I went back to bed with a book.. supposedly just for a few minutes... well a few turned into ten, which turned into an hour. Consequently, I wasn't properly up until 11.30, and all my hopes and dreams of an early arisal were quashed. I did get some work done, though... so I guess its okay. Anyway, this was just a little post to say 'Hi', and I hope you are all well...

Wish me luck, I am about to be taught the finer points of using Adobe Photoshop CS2... it sounds like a lot of...err.. fun! After that I shall commence the usual dog walk/kitchen cleaning affair...

Oh no... wait! I just remembered... I can't wash up in the kitchen as dun, dun, dun.. we have NO water... apparently South West Water are doing work down the road, and so we don't have water today... until this evening. And there is a distinct possibility that this will be the case for the next two weeks. Yay! Remind me to fill the kettle with water before I go to bed... Hmmmn.. reminds me of Legionairre's all over again! Remember those wondrous times? Oh, thats why there's a picture of water droplets, in case you were wondering...

Bye bye my dears, stay safe xxx


Emmie-lou said...


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

water droplets or bubbles of air...

What did you do with all that lagionnaires water inside the big....punchbag?

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

oops typo-i meant legionnaires

vix said...

The picture was called 'water droplets', so I went with that... the big p...unchbag was emptied by me and either Emma or Katie at the end of term.

Emmie-lou said...

Think Katie must have emptied it, i'd have nothing to do with a...big p...unchbag!