Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tick-tock goes the clock and still I've done no work

Today I have been attempting to do some work.. boring, yucky statistics no less. But then first of all I thought I hadn't emailed myself the right data, and so redid my T-tests, no easy feat, only to find I did have them, they were just hiding. Then I was distracted by various family goings on. And MSN. In the end it hasn't been that productive a day. And we're heading back to Durham this weekend, I'm out tomorrow, and my Aunt (not the Aussie one) is coming to visit on Friday. Oh well. We can but try, and at least I can say I tried now. Just as I am trying to struggle through Robinson Crusoe, but it really must be the most boring book ever written. For real. And I have to read it for my English elective. Yuckety yuck.

I really ought to take the dogs for a walk, but I'm feeling incredibly lazy. Low in energy and under the weather generally actually, which I'm sure is probably lack of sleep, and I have (under mum's instruction) taken a multivitamin. Apparently that'll work wonders. We shall see. Maybe a swig of wine will help...

In other news, I have come to the realisation that there only a few instances in life when butter is acceptable...
1) On toasted hot cross bun/crumpet
2) On jacket potatoes
3) On Marmite toast (only marmite, occasionally honey, but generally not)
4) In the making of a cake, or something, or bread, if its needed... but I'm not sure this counts, as you can't tell that there is butter in them.

Never put butter in a sandwich. Never. There you go, my butter rules. I'm all hungry for toast and cakes and tea now (I know I didn't mention tea before, but it goes with the toast...)

Anyways, my sweets and pumpkins (see... food orientated terms of endearment) I shall talk to you all shortly, and see some of you very soon. How utterly thrilling, stay safe, love to all, xxx


wenstumped said...

First off! Welcome back Vix! A belated 'Happy Easter to u' as well.
Secondly: Why shd u never put butter in a sandwich? What if you're having a jam and butter sandwich?

vix said...

DON'T DO IT! Just have jam... why spoil it with yucky butter, that not only tastes vile, but is also bad for you and your health! WHY! Why why why why why!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

i think butter is the UN between the bread and the filling. Its the rather boring but necessary layer which prevents the two mixing

Andrew_tM said...

Margerine is a superior substitute. Or if you are posh or southern and shop at waitrose, then sunflower spread. Or olive spread, not sure what it is nowadays, but it's damn nice and still gives that margerineish flavour but with all the goodness of olives and sunflowers.

Have to add also that I've often taken to not having margerine or butter in my sandwiches if whatever I'm having as a filling is sufficiently spready, such as a pate - it's an unnecessary layer.

Emmie-lou said...

I don't put butter in my sandwiches either...because its an unhealthy accessory to a sandwich. However, some sandwiches NEED butter!