Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fool! No really, I am.

Well. Yesterday was the very first day that I have ever missed posting on my blog, and I am very, very sorry. I fully intended to post... but my evening did not go exactly to plan. I won't rant, and I won't dwell, however... and thank you to those of you for your kindness last night. All has returned to (relative) normality here, home on the range, and so, for now... I am ok once more. Enough said.

Want another installment on my mother's insanity (I won't go into last night, I shall stick to the amusing stories...) I believe I told you all of her impulse, drunken buy of a ukelele off ebay the other day. Well, it seems the sudden musical enthusiasm does not stop there. This morning she and my two brothers headed off into Exeter, supposedly to run errands, and to leave Adam in town with friends. However, one of these errands was to go to the Music Shop, and get a violin (owned by Adam, though I think it shall be passed on to Oscar) fixed. It just so happens that today the Music Shop in question was having a closing down sale. My mother saw this as an opportunity (no doubt with some help from my brothers) to stock up on musical instruments... a mini-acoustic guitar for Oscar, an electric mandolin and an electric guitar (Fender) with Amp, no less. Madness. Madness. Madness.

My house is now filled with the delightful sounds of a badly played electric guitar (to be fair to Adam, he can play a few chords, having taken recent interest in our acoustic guitar), my little brother is playing some awful game on the internet. My mother? She has driven off down the road to take photos of primroses. Yes, my family is utterly, inexplicably and completely insane. I begin to feel like the only sane one here, and we all know what a joke that is.

Anyway, my lovelies, I think that will be all for now.. I am terribly sorry to have missed a post, but believe me, there were mitigating circumstances.

I will catch up with y'all later, stay safe, love you all, xxx


Emmie-lou said...

Keep ya chin up hun!

wenstumped said...

Wow! sounds like a rock concert! maybe u shd tape it and send it to the radio staion! If nothin else maybe they can use it against an alien invasion like in 'Mars attacks'!!!