Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pretty Fly For A White Guy... and Teddy Torturers...

Well this evening has been very interesting, in that I have recieved conformation, hard evidence for the fact that I, and my family... are utterly insane... There are two stories that prove this...
1) The first story involves me, my brother Adam and my Sister Kathy way back when... I was 6, Adam, 2, and Kathy, 8. The scene is our house in London, the kitchen. My mum and dad are having a party of some sorts at the weekend, the first guests arrive early afternoon. What are we doing? We are hanging our teddies... and I mean full scale, proper hanging... apparently we had tied string around the necks of our bears, and had hung them from the kitchen drawers, with stools underneath them to be kicked out when the time came. Oh dear... I don't remember such a disturbing, cruel event ever happening, but my Mum assures me that it did... how weird were we!
2) The second story involves my brother Adam, when he was about 10... he was at home alone, and, weirdly, decided that he was going to pretend to be a fly. Remember, he was completely alone in the house. He took up a piece of tubing, that was part of a swimming pool toy, and began sucking things up through it... hmmmn, odd in itself, but there's more... In the kitchen at the time were a pair of Antique French scales, which came with metal weights, ranging from 2Kg to 10g... Adam decided it would be a good idea to see if he could pick them up, as a fly, using the tube... and proceded to swallow the smallest of the weights! When recounting this story this evening, he simply said 'Like that time I ate one of mum's weights, when pretending to be a fly'. Weird. To the max.

Like I said, my family is crazy, and that's without even talking about my dad...

Otherwise today has been okay... done a bit of work, played Simpson's monopoly and been chatting with the family.

Finally, Happy Birthday Timbopolous! I hope the next year brings you all that you want it to!

Love to all, stay safe, xxx

P.S. Please, no-one tell the men in orange coats where I live...


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

helloooo tis no longer my birthday...ah well. Ooh i saw the men in orange coats and they asked where you were, so i pointed towards norway-hope that helps. Now flleeeeeee

Emmie-lou said...

WOW! You're actually evil!! I don't think we've ever hung teddies...thrown dolls out of windows and removed their heads but never actually tried to kill TEDDY BEARS!!!

wenstumped said...

That would be a cool plot for a movie. Revenge for Child'd play- Kids decide to get even...Hang their teddy bears! And it's weird that ur brother would swallow weights when he's pretending to be a fly- would'nt that weigh him down??!! :-D