Sunday, April 02, 2006

Salute, mea columba!

Check out that latin there... you see, I DO have class! For those of you who really want to know, it translates as 'Greetings, my dove!' (apparently a common Roman term of endearment). Anyway, I hope your Sundays are treating you with laziness, good food and little or no work. I haven't done any work today at all... but I have been helping my mum sort out a technical problem involving her camera and her computer and Adobe Photoshop. Tis all sorted now though, so worry not! I also helped cook the Sunday lunch (roast chicken, yum yum) and spent a large part of the morning attempting to sleep whilst Oscar (the 5yr old brother) amazingly noisily moved round all the furniture in our (grimace) shared bedroom (I know, I'm 19 and sharing with a 5yr old!), whilst trying to locate his toy dog, Toby. Its okay... after a few hours (between 7am and 9am ish) I managed to decipher, from all his shouting to my mother (who was in bed in her room), that he was looking for Toby. I knew exactly where Toby was, as Osc had asked me the night before to look after him for the night... so he was snuggled up at the foot of my bed! Hrmmm. Not the best start to the day, but oh well!

In other news, as some of you may already have been told... I found out that I am, in fact, royalty. FACT. This was not an easy discovery to cope with, but I have quite well I feel. I found out very randomly... I just happened to be given a crown by Oscar that he had made, and when I put it on it just felt so right, I knew I must be royalty! That, and we all know I have all the qualities of royalty... so there you go! I'm not yet 100% sure of my title yet though. It'll come I'm sure... maybe I will get a letter, like Harry Potter did about his being a wizard? I think it's a possibility.

Yes. I am bored.

Gotta go put Osc to bed now, so I'll catch up with y'all laters, stay safe, love you! xxx


Emmie-lou said... Nahh!!!!

Where are you, we havnt spoken for ages!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Hmmmmmmm indeed. Quite. Glad that Toby was found safe and well. I was very worried for a minute!