Monday, April 10, 2006


I logged on today, only to realise that I never posted yesterday!!! I am SO sorry everyone, or at least I am sorry for myself, as I didn't want to miss a day, and all yesterday I was like 'Shall I go blog now' and thought 'No, I'll do it later'. Apparently later never happened!!!

Yesterday was a really good Sunday (as Sundays go), spent the day doing some work, talking to my Mum, playing with Oscar and cooking Tea... in the evening we settled down in front of Pride and Prejudice.... Matthew Macfadyen as Mr Darcy... very moody, but very nice! Still, doesn't quite match up to Colin Firth and his wet shirt...

Today looks to be quite an exciting day, as we are going en famille to the cinema to see Ice Age 2, which, sadly, I am really looking forward to! Also, Oscar's dad is coming to pick him up to take him for the holidays, which, although I love Oscar dearly, will mean a bit more freedom etc, as dont have to think about bedtimes, and children's food, and endless games of 'build a traintrack' and 'make a den'! Hmmn, now I think about it I'm gonna miss that actually! And being woken up by him each morning with a kiss on the cheek... which though tiring, as Tim pointed out, is rather cute...

I've just realised I've written another long blog... Sorry! I do apologise, though TO BE FAIR, I didn't say you HAD to read all the way to the bottom.

Thought for the day (stealing Tim's thing for a minute here): Appreciate your siblings, for of all the people in the world, they will know you best, as you have known them since they/you were born...grown up with them...and although they can be terrible enemies, they can be the best allies.

Love etc, stay safe all xxx


Emmie-lou said...

Oh no...How long is he away for?

wenstumped said...

Oh cool! I'm waiting to see ice age 2 as well. Unfortunately for me though, it'll be quite a while before it releases here. Have loads of fun!!!