Thursday, April 13, 2006

Four days without the internet... will I cope?

Hmmmn... today I have hardly been online at all (I only signed in at 10pm)... but now, there is no-one online, and I've just realised I won't have access to the internet until the end of next Monday! That is a veritable AGE away! Will I cope... we shall see... I am going to my Granny's house for Easter (she lives miles away down near London), and there is nothing to do there. And that is an understatement. It should be thrilling. Though it does mean I get to see my Auntie Lizzie who I haven't seen for a few years, as she lives a while away in Australia! That'll be good, and maybe I can use the opportunity to do some revision... we shall see.

In other news, I rather shockingly didn't get up until 3.30pm today. I know, right. In my defence, I did actually wake up at 1.30pm, and I didn't go to sleep until 5.30am... I was working until 4.30am, and then I read for a while... which is also what I did between 1.30 and 3.30. There you go.. fascinating stuff...

What else has been happening in this short day? When I came downstairs the house was bereft of people other than Adam, and then 'Daniel the Computer Man' turned up to install Mum's new work computer... he was a barrel of laughs... I particularly liked the bit where he was on the phone to his work colleague, shouting, then slammed the phone down and swore quite crudely. The 'F' word was involved. I know I swear, so I can't really complain, but its a bit much when you've only just got up (Adam felt the same, he got up at 3pm) and this man is a complete stranger.

I don't think anything else much interesting has happened today... on the work front (non-Uni stuff).. all is coming along quite well.. I've now processed nearly 2000 photos, and earnt nearly £300, so yay! It'll help with the dreaded overdraft anyway!

Now my dearies I must toodle off, I won't be posting in the next few days, so enjoy them and adieu! Love to all, stay safe and wear sunscreen! xxxxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

i always wear sunscreen-night and day. I met this guy once and he told me too. whenever he spoke thi music came on in the background. Great guy, think his name was Baz

wenstumped said...

I tried sunscreen once! Felt like I'd been cemented!! I'm awfully pale so I guess the sun could only help!
Hope u have a fab time away! Happy Easter way in advance!

Emmie-lou said...

£300!!!! YEY!!! Expletives so dare he!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

dya ever get the feeling no1 got ur joke? or just no1 was interested. Wow vicky-you seem to have advertising for internet scams on ur blog-thats an achievement!