Saturday, April 08, 2006

A fond farewell...

Well, today a VERY exciting thing happened...

I had my hair cut! Now to the ordinary person, this may not sound so extraordinary... but for those of you who don't know me, my hair was (WAS!) very, very long (over half way down my back)... and I hadn't been to the hairdresser's for at least 2 years. So you can imagine it was quite an ordeal, hence I've been putting off going. To cut a long story short (pun not intended), my hair is now just below shoulder length, though shorter round the face, and with shorter layers in... my head feels very light! I am happy, though, with the result, as I had really begun to dislike my hair in recent weeks.

I also rewarded myself (I don't know what for) with some retail therapy today, buying a couple of vest tops, a skirt and the new Pride and Prejudice film on DVD. Fabulous.

All in all it's been a very, very nice day! Though I didn't get to walk the dogs, which was strange, as I've done that pretty much daily since I got back.. however, I'm sure trekking up and down Exeter High St. has given me the same amount of excercise, I just feel sorry for the dogs... there is always tomorrow though...

Enough for now, love and all, stay safe sweeties! xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

well why don't you post a picture of your hair for us all to see. There's a nice innocent idea, which could provide us all with an oppotunity to rip to shreds your photos, what you are/aren't wearing etc etc

But im not bitter! Glad you like your hair-and i give my guys apology in advance for not noticing when i see you

vix said...

To be fair Tim, we didn't physically/virtually rip to shred your photos... we just commented on them, not in any mean way either!

I'm sorry again.


P.S I cant post photos, my camera is broken... xx

Emmie-lou said...

TIM!!! SHUT UP!!! We did not mock your clothes or hair. Jesus...your such a girl!

Emmie-lou said...

Can't wait to see your hair! We will both have a shock I think re hair of other people!

Andrew_tM said...

I was going to comment about how you should add a picture. It'd provide a better idea for those of us who don't quite understand these hair terminology codes that females seem to use.

vix said...


You're alive! Where have you been? And where are you now??

Katita said...

hey vicky. just thought i'd add my appreciation to the pride and prejudice dvd... loved it. legend.

also just so you dont think i've been stalkerly (is that a word?!) reading your blog, tim gave me your address. hope you don't mind! look at mind if you like,

have a nice day x