Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moving not so swiftly on...

Another day, another topic... I think the lst has run its course, and like Tim, I m bored of it...

I am suuuuure there are lots of other mildly controversial discussions we can start...
  • Should we learn from yesterday, live for today or plan tomorrow? Or should we do all of these?
  • Is it better to regret something you have done, then something you haven't? Should we regret, or simply learn? Are these the same thing?
  • What, ultimately, is it most important to be in life? Honest? True to yourself? Moral? Smart? Generous? Rich?!
  • Possibly the most burning question of all... did I write this just as an excuse to use the cool bullet point feature on my blog?

Possibly maybe. By which I mean yes... so no obligation to answer any of the above stupid philosophical meanderings in what I suppose Taj would call the land of the questioners?

Hrmmm. it is too late for coherency and thus, without further ado, I shall head for my bed.

Wow. I actually just fell asleep, for real... That's quite amusing! Night!

1 comment:

Andrew_tM said...

I've not commented on any blogs of late, so I think I'll comment on this one. Interesting questions, definitely.