Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Loud Noises!

Nothing much to say or report today... this is purely being written as a tool for procrastination against the revision I am yet to start.

The world in Devon is a noisy place today... my little brother is shouting something about toy dogs... my mum is mowing the lawn, some people who are doing up a patio are playing 'demon radio'.... they cant get a signal so what would normally be Radio 1 has morphed into some evil sounding, muffled and crackly noise at high volume. Add to this bangings from hammers and things it is all in all remarkably un-peaceful, quiet and serene... which is a turn around from the norm... which is usually relative silence, save the birdsong and sound of a distant cow or two...

Anyway, I'm off now to beat Adam at ping pong... xxx

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