Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moving not so swiftly on...

Another day, another topic... I think the lst has run its course, and like Tim, I m bored of it...

I am suuuuure there are lots of other mildly controversial discussions we can start...
  • Should we learn from yesterday, live for today or plan tomorrow? Or should we do all of these?
  • Is it better to regret something you have done, then something you haven't? Should we regret, or simply learn? Are these the same thing?
  • What, ultimately, is it most important to be in life? Honest? True to yourself? Moral? Smart? Generous? Rich?!
  • Possibly the most burning question of all... did I write this just as an excuse to use the cool bullet point feature on my blog?

Possibly maybe. By which I mean yes... so no obligation to answer any of the above stupid philosophical meanderings in what I suppose Taj would call the land of the questioners?

Hrmmm. it is too late for coherency and thus, without further ado, I shall head for my bed.

Wow. I actually just fell asleep, for real... That's quite amusing! Night!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Don't read into this... it means nothing!!!

Okay. Lets try and get back to my original point. What I really was saying is that we sometimes have a tendency to look for meaning beyond the simple ones something already has. Yes, everything has 'meaning' as you may want to define it. What I was referring to, which yes is subjective, was the more profound, deeper meaning we may search for. Take, for example, a poem... we as readers may take something from the verse, above and beyond anything that the poet originally intended. We may search and search for the profundity hidden between the lines, only to realise it just isn't there. It is what it is, and that is its meaning...

So I suppose it was wrong, and a little confusing to use the term 'meaningless'... but right in saying "there are some things that it is pretty impossible to place meaning in."
By which I mean a secondary meaning so to speak- a subtext- an underlying thought.

I guess my point was that although we should never judge any book by its cover, at the same time, sometimes there is nothing to read between the lines.

Hrmmn. Hope that clears it up!!! And I apologise for my consistent use of tacky, cringe-worthy metaphors!

Now I must sleep as I have to be up in... four and a half hours. Wooooo! xxxx

Thursday, April 26, 2007

You've got facial hair like a polar bear...

Sometimes I go through phases writing a diary... sometimes I write blogs. Sometimes I write nothing at all. Often I have a lot of thoughts, but nothing to say. Often I have no thoughts, and write reams. Sometimes I start out with both, and like a dusty CD player get stuck half way through. Jumping paragraph to paragraph.

I don't really know what I'm writing in this case. I think I am in the lots of thoughts, not a lot to say stage. Frustratingly little, which makes writing a blog that actually has some worth is like... well, like Mission Impossible!

I guess the problem is, if you try and look for a meaning in everything, try to see a poignancy or a piece of obnoxious, over-the-top philosophical thought in all that happens, all that you think, hear and see... well you will be let down. Some things are just as they are. They do not pretend, happy to be frivolous, and not necessarily worth anything more than the passing enjoyment they provide.

Ok, even I am now losing sight of what I mean. I guess this is a follow on from my last post; sometimes we need to stop looking for meaning, purpose etc, and just get on with it!

However, I do still have some questions... like whatever possessed any record company to sign on Daphne & Celeste? Really! A song just made up of rhyming insults. Insane (like a weather vane).

I'm going to do a little jump now (as I warned I do ocassionally... okay, often do)... how brilliant are old songs! I love them. I guess there is something terribly comforting about sneaking back into a world you left behind, and just settle, I guess, into some good old memories.

Here's to the simplicity of the past (because it's over) and the hope of the future (because it's yet to come)...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Life. A piece of cake?

I don't know what I want to do with my life. There; I said it. It scares me... terrifies me... that I just do not have clue. I could tell you the romantic notions that I occasionally entertain, but none of these are realities. At least, not how I'd like them to be. That isn't pessimism, but realism. If we all lived with our heads in the clouds, we'd be too busy bumping into one another than to actually live life! And I suppose that is what it is all about... living life... We have certain ideas... whether they be society's, your family's or just yours... we all have ideas of what a life should be. What ingredients are needed to, excuse the corny metaphor, bake the perfect cake that is your life on a plate. But, as Marie Antoinette said, we can't have our cake and eat it too.

I beg to differ. Well, Marie Antoinette did; what she actually said was 'let them have cake'. Which I suppose leads me neatly to my next point. There are two types of people... those who aim to make their lives in a way that is as good for them as possible, and those who see the improvement of other people's lives as more important than their own. Those who work for money, and those who work for meaning. I would like to be the latter... but, just like many of humanity, I suffer the overindulgent greed that somewhat sours the idea of little rewards for great efforts. But maybe I am being hard on myself. Like I said; I just don't know.

Maybe I will never know; does that matter? Well to me, yes! If I were to spend my life aimlessly wandering, searching for direction and cause... I would miss it! And I would give nothing to the world. But maybe I am asking these questions too soon. What is too soon... and how will I ever know? There are so many questions, no answers, and I am now just writing words for the sake of writing them. So is that what I should do in life... live it for the sake of living? Plod along whatever paths seem obvious, question little and worry not? Well that's just not in my nature. I am unashamedly inquisitive. That's not true.. I am not unashamedly so.

Ultimately, this whole thing is a farce. I feel so darned apathetic to everything right this second, that I couldn't care less about any of it. In fact, the things at the top of my list at the moment are that I can't feel my tongue (bonjela), and annoyance with OpenOffice, as it doesn't automatically capitalise 'I' (important right this second, as the use of 'I' is very frequent in all of this... see next sentence...). I guess that makes me a very lucky person, and I do appreciate that, and perhaps I should be less flippant about it all.

As I said, I just don't know...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Back once again...

Many returns... many... firstly, mine to Durham (via the wonderful town that is Harrogate)... secondly my laptop! Yay! Soooooo good to have it back. Seriously. To the point of being a little bit loserish. Ah well. And the return of others... Emma, Taj, Helen... later on Tim... in a few days more. Its nice.

Not so nice... my return to work... blegh. Boring. But nevermind.
Nor my return to revision. Or 'revision'. Or pretending to revise.

Though I've done lots, seen lots, thought lots and heard lots since my last post I have neither the energy, nor the memory to write it all down.

And now Emma and Taj are back, so Im going... apologies for a mindless, pointless blog...

Maybe later I'll post some pictures of Prague.

Maybe not.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Loud Noises!

Nothing much to say or report today... this is purely being written as a tool for procrastination against the revision I am yet to start.

The world in Devon is a noisy place today... my little brother is shouting something about toy dogs... my mum is mowing the lawn, some people who are doing up a patio are playing 'demon radio'.... they cant get a signal so what would normally be Radio 1 has morphed into some evil sounding, muffled and crackly noise at high volume. Add to this bangings from hammers and things it is all in all remarkably un-peaceful, quiet and serene... which is a turn around from the norm... which is usually relative silence, save the birdsong and sound of a distant cow or two...

Anyway, I'm off now to beat Adam at ping pong... xxx

Monday, April 09, 2007

Fernworthy Reservoir

Yesterday was rather a brilliant day... much of it was spent just talking to family, or playing pingpong with them...

In the afternoon, however, we took the dogs for a walk round Fernworthy Reservoir, up on Dartmoor. It is a trully beautiful place, free from the sound of cars and full of the sound of birdsong... It seemed magical in the 6 o'clock sunlight. So we walked for a couple of hours, just soaking in the glorious views and sounds etc... then to top it all off, we went for a cool pint of magners at the local pub in Chagford...

A lovely day! Hope all of you are well... xxx

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lots of catching up to do...

So it's aaaaaaaaaaaages since my last post, and I have reached the stage where I can't be bothered to post, as I have to go over what has happened in the past few weeks since the 22nd March...

But I shall try... First, my birthday was awesome, so thanks to all of you who made it so... had a yummy chinese lunch and lots and lots of vodka with family guy and a couple coctails out in the afternoon/evening... generally a chilled out birthday, but good fun. So yay! Presents always good too, hehehe.

Which leads me smoothly onto Prague, part of which was a present for my birthday from my family, very nice of them indeed. Anyway, Prague was.... fantastic... and I'm sure many of you who read this have by now received my dreadful, scrawnily, illegibly and incomprehensibly written postcards... I do apologise, and can only claim that fact that they were writted after a night of one too many cocktails at Zulu (the best bar in Prague, with generous servings and low, low prices), and literally no sleep all night long (instead we went for a posh breakfast at Cafe Louvre, which involved hot chocolate that was actually just melted chocolate in a cup, and scrambled eggs with smoked salmon.... yummy). Anyway... so apologies! But yes, Prague was brrrrrilliant (extra ice etc etc), and I feel I have fully embraced Cafe Culture...

Not so sure about the topless play we went to see though... hrmmmn... and now it sounds worse than it was, but I shall leave you to ponder!

Anyway, when I got back to Durham I had a brief interlude which involved rowing boats, Ellie and her brother, and being cooked for by Tom and Jenn. Also good! Then, on Thursday I came home to the sunny, sunny land of Devon, which has been trully wonderful, seeing my family again and enjoying their company. Yesterday was spent somewhat lazily, enjoying Monopoly and card games and the sunshine... today was a bit more exciting... we went to a castle at Dunster (there are loads of castles in Devon, but this was in Somerset and particularly nice), walked around the amazing building, saw the pretty grounds, ate a yummy lunch and generally enjoyed feeling touristy and familyyy and just nice. So yay!

There... a brief account of my past few weeks...

I hope that all of you have had equally enjoyable times, and that I will soon get a chance to catch up with y'all... alas, my laptop is still AWOL, and forecast is not good.

But, not to leave on a sad note... Happy Easter! and Speak Soon! Love, xxx