Thursday, March 30, 2006

School, caramel shortcake and cofee-shops...

Well. Today has been an exceptionally busy day. After nearly two weeks of utter nothingness, I have to say it has come as a bit of a shock to the system. Still, I mustn't complain, as it has been a thoroughly nice day!

It started very early... I was up and out of the house by 8.30am, an hour I had nearly forgotten even existed... about 4 hours before my normal rising time (does it sound like I'm a loaf of bread?), anyway, yes, 8.30am and on my way to drop my brother off at his school, before being dropped off by my mum in Exeter.

I met up with a friend, Steph (who has been working in a brewery in Exeter, until she was recently laid off, and so now has lots of time on her hands... until she goes to Uni in September) and after a bit of window shopping, I managed to persuade her to accompany me to our old school, where I had to pick up my A level certificates, having missed their official handing out, at Prize Giving. This led to my discovering that I had, in fact, won the Biology Prize, and a £10 book token... so hurrah for me! I had no idea that my school valued me so much.. it makes me feel so worthwhile. It was odd to be back there... nothing had changed, and yet I have... but it was good to see some old teachers again, and catch up on the gossip of what other people from my year are up to!

Having parted ways with Steph, I got a phone call from another old friend, Sarah (studying Medicine at Cambridge.. yup, I know)... after a couple of hours window shopping, birthday shopping and charity shopping (it was an odd list... hehe), we met up at Boston's, which is a great, but expensive cafe, sofa-ry, table-y place.. but quite expensive... anyway, yes, it was great to catch up! And then I did more window shopping, then home on the bus... which was FREE because they were running late, or some such thing. Hurrah! It did mean, though, that I didn't get home 'til 7pm and then had to go feed ponies, and walk dogs in the pouring rain and wind (the wind wasn't pouring, just the rain).

Then I made salad, had tea and put my little brother to bed. And now it is now. Phew. Busy day. But still no work done. Hrmmmn... should I start to worry?

Bye bye, stay safe and love you all, over and out! xxx


wenstumped said...

8:30 a.m is a unGodly hour? Wow! what would u say if i told u that i get up at 6 a.m everyday??! And where was the caramel shortcake? I love cake! Even the thought of it!! ;-)

vix said...

A) Who are you Mr. Bluechild
B) During the holidays, yes, 8.30am is an UnGodly hour.. especially when you only had one hours sleep the night before due to insomnia
C) This particular caramel shortcake was located in a bakery in Exeter, Devon. However, I believe it can be found in bakeries nationally... even internationally. Happy eating!

Emmie-lou said...

Alex's old school burned down!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

im nice! honest....

Emmie-lou said...

Whos been watchin black books???!!!