Okay, I know, so it's the afternoon now... but in my mind it is very much still the morning... so deal!
Urm... there is not really a lot to say today, mainly because time goes so slowly down here in Devurrrnshierrree (correct spelling, I think you'll find...) that nothing happens...
Urm. In fact, I tell you what... I will go, spend a day not doing anything, and then come back in the evening and maybe I'll have something to write about.
For the time being, I will put in some pictures, just for fun!

Botanical Gardens,
in the Botanical Gardens.
Urgh. I tried to add more, but the STUPID computer won't let me... it is being picky. I'll try again later...
Bye all! Love etc xxx
We will have to keep this up at uni...wen we actually have something to write!
I tried that and it went to a miserable failure after one week when I realised the only people who read it know what I did the entire day because they were doing it with me most of the time.
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