Wednesday, March 29, 2006

We're half way through the week... what do you think about that?

Welcome, people and animals all, to Wednesday's blog post.
That gives me a sense of importance... which is ridiculous, as my blogs seem to contain nothing but rubbish. Oh well. I see it as a kind of therapeutic excercise... getting rid of some of the utter crap that rolls around in my head all day. And night. Hey, maybe its even helping me sleep better at night. I would believe this, if only I had managed to get to sleep before 3.30am in the last week. It is very very bad... I seem to have got into the habit of being awake until at least 3.30am, and not getting up till 1pm. This is surely very bad. I need to discipline myself. That and find a plug for my phone, so I can use it as an alarm clock.
Well. We are a week and half in to the holiday, and I've managed to do next to no work... oh well... it will happen in its own time, I'm sure. I did fill out my Student Finance forms today though... on the very same day they arrived... probably in an attempt to put off work. I'm also thinking I should start calculating the number of miles I walk daily with the dogs. Only problem with that is I left my pedometer up in Durham, so it would be a very approximate guess. Oh well.
In other news, I am insane. Fact. Now how about another picture...

Okay, bye kids, stay safe, Love etc... xxx


vix said...

Okay... this is really annoying me, how do I get the time to be correct? I keep changing it, but it doesn't save! The time now is 16:43...

vix said...

Yay! I did it! I did it! I am so supercool, it is almost unbelievable! xxx

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

lol yes....ubercool.
Anyways very funny cartoon-that will be on my door before very long! actually it wont because i cant be bothered to print it off this time..ah..i shall go now and diminish into the West

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

ooohh...sitting on the toolbox, and im so glad im not in school boss...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Im luke im 5 and my dads Bruce Lee, drives me round in his JCB...

vix said...

Why are you blog-singing, tim?

Emmie-lou said...

Happy Wednesday!