Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Longer Post

As somebody objected to the length of my previous post, I shall elaborate more upon what I said earlier. That, and I always intended to reblog- I just wasn't sure I would have time/energy to do...

Lots and lots and lots has happened since I last properly posted. So much I can't even remember it all. Here is a brief rundown (as far as memory allows...) On Friday I made my way down (sideways really) to Norfolk and Meghan.. where I spent a very enjoyable couple of days eating ice cream, playing scrabble, making margheritas, shopping and watching (the, I now know, INCREDIBLE) Grey's Anatomy. Then, on Sunday, I made my way to London, and stayed the night with Ellie in Norbury. Where, incidentally, she lives. We watched films, ate more ice cream and drank vodka. Fun, fun, fun. On Monday I crossed London (having stopped in Croydon to see 'The Break Up' with Ellie- a bit of a stupid ending, I thought) (the film, not the weekend)... to Chiswick where my Aunt Sue now lives, and we went for a meal and had a good catch up which was very nice.

On Tuesday I returned to Devon. Here I have spent my time doing 'house stuff' like walking dogs, and entertaining a 'now on holiday' Oscar, and cooking... and swimming, watching Grey's Anatomy series 2 (thanks Meg!) and erm... no that's about it.

Sadly, I won't be off again tomorrow to Chester to see Tim and Ditt, and Tim's friend Ruth, as I, and my babysitting skills are needed here... Oh well. Such is life.

I'm in a weird positive isn't the world a really crap place to live mood. Strange

That's all folks, xxx


Emmie-lou said...

normal house stuff...Swimming...!!!

Anonymous said...

ellie as in ellie as in 2nd floor ellie?

vix said...

yup, that ellie x