1) I spent a lovely day with my sister, Kathy, moseying around town
2) We went to the cinema, which is always fun
3) And saw Johnny Depp (on screen, not in person sadly!)... yay!
4) I (fingers crossed) extended my overdraft which should mean £500 more- woo!
5) While taking the dogs for a walk I was reminded just how brilliant and beautiful my home is
6) While putting Oscar to bed I was reminded just how brilliant and bright he is
7) I had a good philosophical discussion with my Mum and Aunt, which was nice
8) I bumped into an old friend in town, and she later called me and that was great!
9) We arranged to meet up next week, which is something to look forward to!
You see... without me even realising it, there is SO MUCH for me to be thankful for, and to smile about... It's not until you start to concentrate on the positive that you realise, no matter how down and out you are feeling, there is always, ALWAYS, something in life to smile about... and it doesn't matter how small it is, or how seemingly meaningless.
And after all, one of the best things about life is being able to smile.
Therefore.. everyone SMILE! I love you all, xxx

Of course Johnny is smiling-he has just spotted me on the horizon!
It's true!
Anwyays positive is always the anser, except perhaps in terms of feedback loops in process-response systems...but thats another story for another day!
Did you enjoy the film??
Tim...captain jones reminded me of wish!! HeHe
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