Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ma famille

My family. An odd bunch, but I love 'em.

Today is my Dad's 50th birthday. Goodness knows how he has made it to 50, but he has, and I am thankful. Anyway, so, on account of it being his birthday, and just because it is something that we really should do more often, we phoned him. I haven't spoken to him since christmas, which makes me feel really bad.. because I am lucky that he is alive, and so I feel I should strive more to get to know him. The thing is, I am selfish, in that the awkwardness and the enormity of it all scare me. So I don't. Which is really bad. Therefore, I resolve to get over this and (Tim will like this) do more often 'one thing that scares' me.

Also today, I went along to Oscar's sports day. It was really sweet to see all these little kids working together in teams to complete each task (rather than traditional high jump etc they had team orientated things, and did things together...), the older ones taking charge, and looking after the younger ones. It was so good to see (and now I'm going to sound old) youthful innocence and eagerness and simplicity. It is nice to think back to that time when we were young, and although we didn't appreciate it at the time, life was so much less complicated, and we weren't made cynical by the world around us, or by experience.

Having said that, we must all grow up... we must all leave behind the relative cocoon that is childhood and embrace the freedom and the responsibility that comes with adulthood. I just think that sometimes, we should remember childhood... be thankful for how far we have come, thankful for the time we have left, for the opportunities that have arisen, and will continue to do so, and for the lessons we have learnt.

There you go... I guess you could say that the oldest male and the youngest male in my family have both taught me lessons today, and given me something to think about. Which is good, because I like to think.

Love you all, xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Gotta love 'Team sports day' none of this winners and losers rubbish-everyone is a winner...sorry did someone say simplicity and niavety?? good blogging. Just ignore my rant at modern sports days! lol

Katita said...

I'm scared of being an adult, so I'm going to follow in my grandma's lead and stay a little girl inside forever.
Don't know why this is relevant, probably isn't but wrote in anyway.

And in agreement with Tim, it's not the taking part that counts, it blatently is the winning!

Emmie-lou said...

Life is never matter how young... old... happy... sad... content. It's just not how it was meant to be...A life without laughter... tears... a life wasted. X