Friday, June 30, 2006

Scary watermen, sunshine and stuff...

Hello! Today has been another busy day. There was another (painful) 7am start, followed by more house tidying, more clothes washing and more job searching.

About halfway through the day I had a bit of a scary encounter with some (as dubbed by Tim) 'very rubbish watermen'. I heard some bustling about outside the back of the house, and went through to the back door to find two, scruffy looking men there, with the outside tap running. Needless to say, I asked who they were, and one of them said 'I'm Jamie'. As if that would explain everything. After a bit of banter, he finally said the he was from the waterboard, come to check our water supply. Then he said 'But we don't have any I.D. Maybe we are really gypsies come to keep you occupied at the door whilst we rob you.' Needless to say I was a little scared. But, they insisted, regardless of their lack of identification, and lack of a van (or from what I could see any form of transport), that they were from the waterboard. This kind of made sense, as our water has been off for the last few days during the day. But still odd. Particularly when one of them asked me if I wanted to buy some lucky heather off him. As well as the fact that they had just turned up in my back garden. Anyway... they left, and after a brief chat with my nearest neighbour, and with Tim, I decided that these men had not been scary or any sort of a threat. Just really 'very rubbish watermen'.

What else happened today? Nothing really of huge interest... I have been very mumsy today, looking after Oscar and cooking suppers and stuff. Quite fun really.

Anyway, love to all, and I guess just remember not to take things, situations or people at face value. xxx

1 comment:

Emmie-lou said...

or there could be a third option...