Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hello, hello, hello

Hello world.

Today has been, although with a lazy, yet lovely, 12 o'clock start, busy and bustling. Once up, I spent time tidying my room, tidying the house, talking to my mum about her career, looking online with a view to beginning my career (that sounds so high and mighty, when really I've been scouring the internet for whatever measly job and pay I can find!) , phoning people, cooking supper (sorry- Tea!), putting Oscar to bed, watching a film with Adam and walking the dogs. Oh, and watching Wimbledon of course, and doing more sudoku/crosswords.

Now I put it all down, it seems minimal and not very exciting, but it has been a busy day! I expect the next couple of days to be even busier, as my day begins at 7am... getting my brothers ready for school, seeing them off, tidying the house, cooking, cleaning etc, etc.

I'm quite enjoying being so busy though... I have been finding empty days a bit tiring! Odd, I know, but oh well!

Anyway, I'll leave you now, love and all... xxx

1 comment:

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Yes busy days are rather fun. So roll out the strawberries and cream add a little pimms and lets busy ourselves with wimbledon! Yuk you disgust me, you and your tennis watching types. It was quite funny watching Henman lose though