Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday brings the rain

Today it has been raining. Lots and lots and lots. Whatever delusions I had about 'sunny, sunny Devon' are well and truly shot down. But oh well... hopefully the sun will return sometime soon. Preferably before I go back to Durham.

Today I have been out of the house and down in Torquay/Totnes looking round old people's homes with my mum, aunt and uncle for my Grandma. It was sad, thinking about the fact that she will have to leave her house of 40 years, and a town she has lived in for even longer. But, there is no-one near her anymore to visit regularly, and there is no way she can look after herself. So this is the best option, and the home we decided on is really lovely. Kind of feels like a pensioner Thid Floor... with a huge common room, and slightly better food! And a cat called 'the boss'. Hmmn, anyway. That's what I did with my day. We also stopped for a very nice pub lunch which was very good. Yum yum.

Also on the note of food, I just munched my way through a packet of skittles and a snickers. Oh dear oh dear. Oh well...

Now I am off to make a cup of tea, I think, and maybe do a crossword. My life is such an exciting rollercoaster. I just don't know how I cope... hahaha.

Hope all are well and safe and enjoyed their first days at work/looking for work/avoiding work etc. xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

wow-look at me. I'm a blogger keeno. That is to say i do nothing but roam the internet and find blogs to comment on. I guess a bit like a train spotter. Anyways, good blog and keep up the business!

Emmie-lou said...

I am not a blogger keeno...i have a job!