Thursday, June 29, 2006

ARGH! I forgot the title. This will have to suffice!

Today has been an even busier day... it began at 7am, which was not pleasant... with me having to get the boys (Adam and Oscar) up and ready for school... trust me, trying to activate a teenage boy and a sleepy six year old when you yourself want to crawl into a corner and snore away into eternity is not fun (Note: I do not actually, to my knowledge, snore... I was simply using at a plot device to jazz up the sentence). Anyway. This done, I pottered round the house, fed the dogs, cleared and cleaned dishes and dishwashers, put clothes in the wash, made beds, re-arranged a room, watered plants, walked dogs, checked ponies, watched wimbledon, watched film... by which time Adam arrived home from school and we continued re-arranging Oscar's and my bedroom.. which involved taking hundreds of books of a bookshelf, moving the shelf, then replacing the books. Then Oscar got home, and I cooked supper for him, and fed him. Then I cooked for Adam and myself, and ate (the supper, unsurprisingly). Then Kathy arrived home from College for the holidays. So I cooked supper for her. Then I watched some of the Andy Murray wimbledon match, whilst getting Oscar into his pyjamas. Then I put Oscar to bed. Then I watched more wimbledon. Then I came online, and here we are. Phew. Exhausting!

Ooooh... I also got my exam results today... Wooooo! 63% average. I am very pleased. Particularly at not having to do resits! Yay!

What else happened today... Oh yes. I turned into a mint. Courtesy of toothpaste, mint-scented shampoo and some scary little green men (which may or may not have been in my imagination) I am now a bonafide, glorified and petrified mint. Not a Polo though, far too traumatic.

I think that is all. Love etc, xxx (which, by the way, as expressed by some of my friends, is not my way of telling you all I've gone into the porn industry, okay! They are just kisses!)

P.S. Also today made more progression with 'Pigeons for scarves' campaign, with the President of the group sending a letter to the LTA with regards to their reckless treatment of the pigeons at Wimbledon, namely Michael and Archibald. Hear, hear! Coo, Coo!


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

glad to see you are supporting the cause! A very good blog i must say!

Andrew_tM said...

I have been ordered to comment or else Vicky gets insecure in whether people actually pay any attention to what she says, and if they don't, does that mean they don't really like her. So here is my comment to stave off said insecurity.

vix said...

I never said anything of the sort. My exact words, I think you will find were 'GO FORTH AND READ MY BLOG AND COMMENT ON IT AS YOU WILL' You see. It was entirely left up to you. No insecure stuff whatsoever. So there. And I have the MSN history to prove it.

Emmie-lou said...

Lol...haha andy!! I saw lots of pigeons today!!

Emmie-lou said...

Say what you mean...mean what you say...