Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Today is Tuesday... not Wednesday...

Well, well, well. It seems everybody has caught the 'must work' bug, and all have begun revising, reading and doing questions. Well, everyone but me, at least. It makes me feel guilty... though sadly not enough to actually do anything. Oh well.

Today, the house had a visit from Robyn the Aga-man. No, he is not a superhero... but an (I believe) eighty-something, kind old gent who knows just about everything about Agas. This, although good as it means our Aga is now in good working condition, was a little bothersome as he undid the Aga all over the kitchen floor, and consequently I had nothing to eat until about 4.30pm. I was hungry (No, Tim, not the country... thats HungAry).

I'm not hungry anymore... just had tea.. yum yum. Except, now I am, courtesy of Tim showing me pictures of some yummy, posh Harrogate cakes... including the infamous Caramel Slice. What else happened today though.... erm, not a lot to be honest. Adam and I went for a walk with the dogs. One day I will manage to get more pics of my home, and the surrounding areas so you can see what its like. For now, I will try and get a picture of our dog, Fidge, up. Hopefully it'll work!

I also fed ponies today. And put my little brother to bed. We are currently reading Roald Dahl's 'George's Marvellous Medicine'... I never before realised what an evil little boy George is.. he is horrible! Calling his Grandmother a 'cow', 'pig', 'dog' etc etc. Its not right, however horrid she is...

I can't believe I'm discussing children's stories on my blog. Oh well.

That really is all now. Bye bye all, and stay safe.. Love etc xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

good blog...mmm yes very good blog. Highly recommended

Emmie-lou said...

How horrid!! Very long blog

vix said...

So sorry it was so long, didn't realise it at the time... and are you being sarcastic when you say 'very good', Tim?

Emmie-lou said...

twas a very strange comment tim!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

me sarcastic??? Hmph.

vix said...

Yes, Tim. You. Sarcastic. Are.

Apparently, I'm Yoda. Oh well! And what does everyone think of my dog???

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

your dog? oooooh i thought it was a piccie of you

vix said...


vix said...


vix said...

True story.

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

hehehehe sorry jus cudnt resist it. Im not reaalllli mean

Andrew_tM said...

I was going to make the same joke, thinking it was your brother. Actually, I wasn't, but I felt Tim needed some support here.

Emmie-lou said...

What is this...battle of the sexes?

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

battle??? no battle. we would wipe you out in seconds. More of a discusssion...

vix said...

Hmmmn. After careful consdideration, the following decisions have been made:

Men are stupid. Fact.
Women are amazing. Fact.

We win. So there.

Emmie-lou said...

Theres always a battle...men are stoopid...STUPID

Emmie-lou said...

Tim you are silly...very silly