Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sleepy Sunday

Today has been a rather good day, considering it was a Sunday. It is a generally accepted fact that I do not, on the whole, enjoy Sundays. There is a lot of hanging about, a lot of rain, a lot of boredom... usually only interrupted by an argument or two. Today, however, has been rather good. It could be because I managed to spectacularly sleep away most of the day, until about 2.20, when I was called downstairs by my brother, for Sunday roast. Yum, yum. I don't even feel guilty over this as technically, I'm still working on British Winter Time (is that even right?), anyway, point is in my world it was still only 1.20.

In other news, I finally got further than the two or three miles away from the house that I get when walking the dogs... we went all the way to the local shops! Hurrah! Not only an escape from the house-boundness from which I have been suffering, but also as a bonus, a means to gaining chocolate! Yum yum! Maltesers are officially fab.

I think that's all for today, I'm off to watch Family Guy... actually I'm already watching it, but I'm going to go and concentrate more fully...

Love etc... stay safe all, xxx


Andrew_tM said...

That was a fantastic Family Guy. The best one I've seen yet. And for one reason above all - it had Scooby Doo in it! You can't beat that. Fantastic stuff. Glad you told me it was on or I'd have forgotten and missed that five seconds of pure gold.

Do I obsess too much about Scooby Doo?

Emmie-lou said...

You dont seem to like the crazy fool!