Sunday, March 26, 2006

A rant, if you please...

Okay, I know three posts in one day is a little excessive, but I feel the need to rant and rave a little.. okay? I am seriously worried about how I am going to cope with another four weeks of being at home. Maybe I'm being stupid, female, hormonal, emotional, anything... but whatever it is, I am starting to go stir crazy. I don't seem to quite fit here anymore... and I feel I am constantly walking on egg shells/thin ice (pick your chosen metaphor) with my mother... I love her very much, but she is very hard work... the good times are great, the bad times are just shit. I don't know how to deal with her anymore. It's bad. And I can't really explain it to you, because no-one has lived my life, or known me since I was born.. so I guess the only person I could really talk to about this would be my brother. But it's different for him too... because the relationship he has with my mum is different to the one I have. He gets away with everything. I get blamed for things I would never have even thought of doing. That's life. I thought I had got used to it, apparently not. You have no idea how weird it is writing this, knowing none of you will actually know what I'm talking about... in fact this post isn't really for you guys as much as it is for me to vent for a minute or five. Thank goodness I can do that at least, I'd never, of course, confront my mother, because, to be frank, she scares the living daylight outta me (another stupid phrase). Oh. I don't know. The point is, 4 weeks is a heck of a long time to be walking on egg shells, and I just know that some of them are gonna break before then, and I don't want them too because it makes life too hard. I don't know how I'm gonna cope. I guess what I'll have to do is breathe in deeply, smile and just get on with it. I've got quite good at that.

Anyways, sorry to rant... pretty self-obsessed bullshit really. So actually, if you value your time, don't bother reading this. I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

Love you all, xxx


Andrew_tM said...

Okay, I'll get the pedantry out of the way first - a disclaimer warning not to read somethign is more helpful at the beginning than it is at the end.

Now that I got that out of the way, genuinely Vicky, us people are here to talk to and it is not plain sailing for any of us, and suchlike, and insert other overused metaphors like that one, we're all in the same boat, that's another metaphor, I can talk in cliches 'till the cows come home, I hope you appreciate the rural slant of that metaphor given your location. And take a breath.

Um, yes. Generally, keep your chin up and goddammit I can't stop talking in cliches.

vix said...

Hmmn... Andy I did not think it possible to cram quite so many cliches into one comment, but you achieved it, congratulations. And thanks for the kind words... I'm fine really. We all have our little hiccups...

Emmie-lou said...

Keep ya chin up hun...Andy's right...for once!...or is he always right?...I can't rememba...

Anyhoo...back to the is slightly strange being at home after getting used to uni life and it takes a while to fit in agen...if eva...

I find it strange bcoz my whole house has changed etc and i dont know neting nemore...

If u eva want to talk to anyone bout neting...try me...i mite understand more than u tink

Phew....sorry for the long comment!

Anonymous said...

Hi vicky!

It will turn out ok soon! Hope it all gets better!

Andrew_tM said...

As if a random comment from problems some strange stalker wasn't enough to set you at ease ...

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

no no. Its not Andy that knows everything...thats me! So..rather than use cliches repeatedly i have created a little wit involving them.

Keep your chin up, but not too high cos then you''ll be staring at the sky and will stumble into the cows on their way home-and that would not be a good way to end the day

Andrew_tM said...

I'd disagree strongly, I think I am the possessor of the all-knowing knowledge.