Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hello people. Not entirely sure what I am going to write about in this post, so I shall just take it as it comes, and hope that the end result is not too terribly awful... hmmmn that sounds quite Rah doesn't it... it must have been my decline down South... where the weather is warmer, and the rain is wetter. I would prefer snow, to be honest.

It seems to me that everywhere I go, everything I do and every thing I watch in some way reminds me of Uni, or the people from Uni... in particular it seems the town Harrogate (and we know which crazy, crazy person hails from there...) is being mentioned on television time and time again.. so much so I think I'm gonna have to start making a tally... Tim what is up with your hometown... why is it suddenly so popular in the media, hmmmn?

Anyway, there really is not much to say as I spend so much time talking to you all on MSN anyway, so I thought instead I would add a picture of my home. As it turns out, the only one I have on this computer is of my brother on the trampoline in the garden... though there is quite a nice view of the fields around us... now do you see... I AM a country bumpkin, ooh aah I am.

Bye for now, xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

well...lets face it, harrogate is the centre of the Earth isnt it?

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

hmmm a pair of legs on the trampoline and a dog nearby-i think your dog may have just eaten a member of your family (or close friend).Well their body anyway-maybe he doesnt like legs. Id check it out if i were you

Anonymous said...

bliking 'ell you live in the stix!!!

Emmie-lou said...

I've noticed harrogate everywhere too...and I don't even watch the news...It is strange how everything seems to remind you of something or someone from uni. XXX

vix said...

yeah... Sheffield's come up lots too... and Darlo a couple of times as well! Weird. Maybe its just that we notice it more...

Emmie-lou said...

I think thats probably true

vix said...

No tim, as I explained, the dog did not eat my brother, and NO harrogate is not the centre of the Earth, and yes Matthew, i do live in the sticks... but I've told you all that before!!

Andrew_tM said...

When being driven back down the M1 I had similar thoughts. "Hrm, that's a road sign to Darlington, wow, that's where Emma lives!" "Wow, Sheffield, Oli lives there!" "Hrm, a sign to Harrogate, that's where Tim is from, it is a real place!"

And then you wonder why you're getting excited at a roadsign. But it is exciting stuff. Especially as it cured me of my incorrect belief that Harrogate was spelt with a W, like the private school is. Fact.

Emmie-lou said...

I'm glad Harrogate has proven its correct spelling Andy...you didn't think of looking at a map??