Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hello people who are sad enough to actually bother reading this.

I feel sad and all alone. No-one is online... I have nothing to do... I even resorted to working, for a little while.

I went for a walk with the dogs today, which was nice, but brought to attention just how FREEZING it is outside... why, why, why, why, why? Surely, now that it is over half-way through March the weather should have warmed up a little... plus I'm in the SOUTH!

What is going on with the world today, hmmmn?

Okay... complaining done now... on the plus side, errrr... The Simpsons is on... and errr... oh I don't know. On a sad, and worrying note- WE HAVE RUN OUT OF TEA!!! I know, shocking right.. and to add insult to injury we do have some tea in the house.. but it's DECAF which is officially DISGUSTING! Don't ever drink it, if you value your taste buds at all.

Anyway, that's all from me now... sorry it's a bit pessimistic, I'll try and be more upbeat tomorrow!

How about some more pictures... these ones from my trip to Europe...

St Mark's Square, Venice, just for Tim
on account of the pigeons...

Sarajevo, Bosnia
Prague, Czechoslovakia


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

You've got to warn me before u show a foto like that..otherwise i get waayyy to excited

Anonymous said...

The pigeons are conspiring to take over the world.

They are employed by the government to spy on us, watching our every step.

One day they will scared. Be VERY scared.

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

i think that piccie is more scary than pigeons taking over the world

Emmie-lou said...

DECAFE TEA IS EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!! Its what I drink!!! And i dont think i'm sad for reading a friend. Its quite cold up north too...any consilation? I had to wear scarf and gloves today...DONT GO FOR WALKS is the moral of this blog...

Emmie-lou said...

The Simpsons are the number one kids tv show...