Friday, March 24, 2006

Got that Friday feeling? No... me neither.

Well hello! I didn't see you there...

Yes, I am like a tacky T.V. show. Learn to love it. I have realised the possible flaw in my blog writing... I post too early in the day, and thus I have nothing to talk about, because nothing has happened! Apparently, I don't learn from my mistakes... hmmn.. could be interesting.

Well, what do I have to tell you all today? Not a lot, apparently. It was my birthday yesterday, which was fun... I opened some presents (saved the rest for today, when my sister gets back)... which included scarves, books, make up and... best of all... money! Hurrah! Thanks again all of you who sent cards/wrote on my wall/ sent texts/ pigeon-post/ smoke signals etc, etc.

In other news, for all those who talked to my brother on MSN yesterday, I do apologise for the crazy kid... bless him, he is far more insane than any of us put together. He should, hopefully, be coming up to visit next term, so you will get to experience this insanity first hand (is that the phrase I'm looking for...?).

Ermm.. ooh I went for a very nice walk yesterday- I had been putting it off all day, because the weather was a little worse than crap... rain, wind.. you name it, we had it. Anyway, so because I put it off, I managed to convince Adam (my 15 yr old bro) to come with me. And instead of just taking a turn along the lanes, we decided to head into the next door neighbour's fields and woods (don't worry, we have permission, but there is always the risk of running into a rather large, scary bull (yes bull, not ball)). Anyway, point is, it was very fun- even if my bro tried to freak me out with Blairwitch-esque stories... and at the end we found some tree swings (logs attached to bits of rope tied to trees that act as a swing)... what a lot of fun. Hmmn, yes, I am a child at heart in many ways.

Wow, I seem to have written a lot, how boring for you all, I'll leave you be now... byeee xxx


Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

what a very long and insightful blog entry. i fee under pressure to make mine a little more interesting now! I look forward to your brother coming up to visit-though maybe you ought to prepare some therapy for him when he returns home...

vix said...

Don't worry Tim, if you look too closely at that blog entry you will see I actually say very, very little of any interest... and yes, I have tried to get my brother into therapy... it hasn't worked. The craziness is too inbuilt!

Emmie-lou said...

Phewww...that was a seriously long blog!!

Hmmmm...I'm curious..exactly how would we know if we had spoke to your brother and not you via msn?? I fear we place alot of trust in msn...Glad you had a good Birthday and hope you enjoy your second Birthday tonight!!

vix said...

Don't worry, I made sure that my brother told people it was him they were talking to- I wouldn't trust him otherwise! Love ya! xx

Emmie-lou said...

Hmmm...I have a similar problem with my blog...I write it early and never have anything to write...but I dont think I would have anything to write anyway...even later!!

Anonymous said...

that is so sweet of you two to like go for a walk...the only walk i make now is from the back door to the car! lol!

vix said...

That's cos you're a lazy git as well as being posh...