Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas One and All

There are a number of things that I have seen, heard or done over the past few days that have either moved or inspired me... sadly, I am now feeling very unarticulate, but I will try, nevertheless, to get across to you my point, which in itself, I think, is very simple.

If there is one thing in life, that we should be driven by, that we should strive for, and that we should grant each and everyone with, it is love. Love, for me, is of utmost importance. For me, the meaning behind Christmas and love are inseperable. And it is a time when families should be together, to share in their love for each other, and so on. So the first thing that got to me the past few days was talking to Oscar on the phone on Christmas morning, as he was in a taxi on his way to catch a plane to Florida with his Dad. It was really sad, as he really wanted to be with us as well, and couldn't understand why everyone wasn't together.

Then there was a phonecall to my Dad... I don't know if all you who'll bother to read this know the history with my Dad, but lets just say its complicated, and as a results, I haven't spoken to him probably for about a year. Anyway, the point of this was... the phonecall was very hard... I can't even begin to understand myself what it all meant to me, so I won't try and explain to you, but the point is, the phonecall was made. He is my father, and despite everything, I will always love him. And his love for us, and his family, means that despite his condition, he remembers certain details about us, and when we last spoke.

Today also, through Challenge Anneka (I know, how silly, right?) and a very moving programme about an Autistic child, I have been reminded again and again just how important love is... not only for your family, your friends, your partner... but for everyone...

We must all show love for one another, because at the end of the day, it's what we all strive for... with love comes recognition, respect, and all those other things we feel we need.

I think I've stopped making sense, and I am about to/already sound like a cheesy hippy, but I know what I mean and I just thought I should say it. Oh dear... but anyway, the point is I love you. xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was really sweet, hope you're ok xxx