Monday, July 31, 2006


Today it finally DOWNPOURED after weeks of glorious sunshine and heat (okay, so it may have been mildly drizzly the last couple days, but not proper rain)... that being said, the weather had very little bearing on my activities today as they were all (other than swimming and ponies) indoor orientated.

There was the sleeping. Then after the sleeping came the MSNing, email checking and breakfast/lunch eating. Then came a little mess around on the keyboard (sorry... "Digital Piano"). Then (as we had the house to ourselves) watching television with Oscar (Top Cat, Jerry Springer and the Munsters... in that order). Then came some swimming. Then came the rain. Then came more 'piano', more internet (online games with oscar) and more food. Following from this was the return of mum and Kathy, the cooking of supper, and the putting of Oscar to bed. Then the eating of supper, and watching of television. Newspaper reading. Then clothes changing. Now this.

Wow. It's amazing how if you bulk it out nothing at all can seem like quite a lot. Interesting. x

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Longer Post

As somebody objected to the length of my previous post, I shall elaborate more upon what I said earlier. That, and I always intended to reblog- I just wasn't sure I would have time/energy to do...

Lots and lots and lots has happened since I last properly posted. So much I can't even remember it all. Here is a brief rundown (as far as memory allows...) On Friday I made my way down (sideways really) to Norfolk and Meghan.. where I spent a very enjoyable couple of days eating ice cream, playing scrabble, making margheritas, shopping and watching (the, I now know, INCREDIBLE) Grey's Anatomy. Then, on Sunday, I made my way to London, and stayed the night with Ellie in Norbury. Where, incidentally, she lives. We watched films, ate more ice cream and drank vodka. Fun, fun, fun. On Monday I crossed London (having stopped in Croydon to see 'The Break Up' with Ellie- a bit of a stupid ending, I thought) (the film, not the weekend)... to Chiswick where my Aunt Sue now lives, and we went for a meal and had a good catch up which was very nice.

On Tuesday I returned to Devon. Here I have spent my time doing 'house stuff' like walking dogs, and entertaining a 'now on holiday' Oscar, and cooking... and swimming, watching Grey's Anatomy series 2 (thanks Meg!) and erm... no that's about it.

Sadly, I won't be off again tomorrow to Chester to see Tim and Ditt, and Tim's friend Ruth, as I, and my babysitting skills are needed here... Oh well. Such is life.

I'm in a weird positive isn't the world a really crap place to live mood. Strange

That's all folks, xxx

I'm back...


Thursday, July 20, 2006


I can't decide how I feel today, it could be... happy, sad, sorry, tired, content, excited, anxious, sick, worried, sleepy, warm, peaceful, cross, jealous, upset, lazy.

Maybe it is all of these things, I don't know.

Bye, x

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

That's better...

Hello people. Sorry I've been a bit of a misery guts recently... I promise to pull my self together, get my socks on, hang on in there and all those other cliche thingamajiggys. Thanks to all of you for being so nice to me. Anyway.. yes, so life is looking more positive... The sun is shining, I'm going away this weekend, I have the house to myself tonight, and there is a sale on at Monsoon. Hooray! xxx

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Friday, July 14, 2006

Nothing much to say...

Just to make a change, eh? I thought, as I weirdly missed out posting yesterday, that I'd better do it now, in case life gets in the way again tonight. Only problem is, I've only been up for forty minutes or so, and in that time have only had time to have a shower and get dressed. Which doesn't exactly lead to an interesting description, or a readable blog.

So, what can I write about? I don't know... maybe you can use my lack of blog, as a space in which you can reflect upon stuff... or something. How does that sound?

Bye for now, xxx

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Swings and Roundabouts"

It's odd: the way that life works in 'swings and roundabouts'. How you can be up one minute, and down the next. On top of the world, only for life to firmly pull the carpet from underneath your feet. The last few days, and weeks really, have been very rollercoaster ride-ish: swinging from dizzying highs, falling to desperate lows. Today, though, I have decided that an optimistic view is the only one to take, so I will forget, for now, about my worries and woes, and concetrate for a minute upon what has happened today that is good, or great!

1) I spent a lovely day with my sister, Kathy, moseying around town
2) We went to the cinema, which is always fun
3) And saw Johnny Depp (on screen, not in person sadly!)... yay!
4) I (fingers crossed) extended my overdraft which should mean £500 more- woo!
5) While taking the dogs for a walk I was reminded just how brilliant and beautiful my home is
6) While putting Oscar to bed I was reminded just how brilliant and bright he is
7) I had a good philosophical discussion with my Mum and Aunt, which was nice
8) I bumped into an old friend in town, and she later called me and that was great!
9) We arranged to meet up next week, which is something to look forward to!

You see... without me even realising it, there is SO MUCH for me to be thankful for, and to smile about... It's not until you start to concentrate on the positive that you realise, no matter how down and out you are feeling, there is always, ALWAYS, something in life to smile about... and it doesn't matter how small it is, or how seemingly meaningless.
And after all, one of the best things about life is being able to smile.
Therefore.. everyone SMILE! I love you all, xxx
Even Johnny is smiling...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Picture post... sunny Devon!

My house, and garden... sadly the sunlight has made this picture gloomy. Oh, and that's Moley the dog in the foreground.
A castle/tower thing nearby... apparently you can get married there, which I think would be amazing! It's so pretty.

A view. Typical Devon. Lovely sunny day too! My house is in there somewhere... you can just see the rooftop I think!
And, erm... another view.

Now you see why I love this green and pleasant land.
Especially when the weather is great! Love, xxx

Monday, July 10, 2006


Haven't posted for a while... don't know why, I've had time, and probably things to say, I just haven't felt like it. Anyway, I'm posting now... how are you all?

I can't be bothered to write down the ins and outs of the last few days to you all... suffice to say there is lots of family stuff going on at the moment, and I am spending a lot of time thinking about things.

Durham seems a million miles away now. Like I never was there, like I'll never return.

Anyway, I'll probably post more tomorrow, love etc xxx

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ma famille

My family. An odd bunch, but I love 'em.

Today is my Dad's 50th birthday. Goodness knows how he has made it to 50, but he has, and I am thankful. Anyway, so, on account of it being his birthday, and just because it is something that we really should do more often, we phoned him. I haven't spoken to him since christmas, which makes me feel really bad.. because I am lucky that he is alive, and so I feel I should strive more to get to know him. The thing is, I am selfish, in that the awkwardness and the enormity of it all scare me. So I don't. Which is really bad. Therefore, I resolve to get over this and (Tim will like this) do more often 'one thing that scares' me.

Also today, I went along to Oscar's sports day. It was really sweet to see all these little kids working together in teams to complete each task (rather than traditional high jump etc they had team orientated things, and did things together...), the older ones taking charge, and looking after the younger ones. It was so good to see (and now I'm going to sound old) youthful innocence and eagerness and simplicity. It is nice to think back to that time when we were young, and although we didn't appreciate it at the time, life was so much less complicated, and we weren't made cynical by the world around us, or by experience.

Having said that, we must all grow up... we must all leave behind the relative cocoon that is childhood and embrace the freedom and the responsibility that comes with adulthood. I just think that sometimes, we should remember childhood... be thankful for how far we have come, thankful for the time we have left, for the opportunities that have arisen, and will continue to do so, and for the lessons we have learnt.

There you go... I guess you could say that the oldest male and the youngest male in my family have both taught me lessons today, and given me something to think about. Which is good, because I like to think.

Love you all, xxx

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th July

Today is independence day in the U.S.

What does independence mean... not on a country, governmental scale.. but a personal scale... to the individual.

On the one hand I suppose it means the freedom to choose, taking control of your own life and being responsible for making decisions. The dictionary definition is 'freedom from control or influence of another or others '.

I guess what it really means is that you start having to be fully accountable for your actions, your behaviour. You are responsible for yourself, and for the things you do. There is no point laying blame upon someone else, because ultimately you are your own judge and jury.

Therefore, I apologise. I am very sorry.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Thoughts etc

It is days like today that help me believe in the presence of a 'higher power', an 'eternal lifeforce'... in God. I started the day at 5am watching nature's brute force in a fierce and explosive thunderstorm. With each blinding flash of lightning, and each deafening roar of thunder, I was reminded of my insignificance, my mortality... and the extraordinary power of the earth, the weather and all these other things over which we have no control.

Another thing today has been the strength and incredible bond that a family can share in the face of adversity... whether that be finding something to smile about, together, in the face of devestation, poverty or tragedy... or on a simpler scale, such as today. My Granny, who is not well or strong, has made a difficult and heart-rending journey from the house she has lived in for the past 39 years, to a home nearer to us, down in Torquay (50 mins away). I cannot even begin to imagine the pain she is feeling (leaving behind so many of her posessions, memories... and her last link to her husband, my grandfather). All that I can do is my very best to be there for her, for my mum and my Aunt, as they work to make this transition as smooth as is possible. Today I watched as my family rallied round, helped one another and generally stuck together- through, and despite, all the minor grievances and annoyances we can only expect with a family of an age range from 6 to 84. I love my family... and hope that I will always be there for them when they need me.

Thirdly, today I have spent quite a good deal of my time outside, 'with nature' if you like, just listening to its sounds, and observing its obscurities. I really feel in awe of the intricate workings of life. I feel connected to it all too... through my very being alive, living upon this planet, breathing the same air as, and affecting, in my own way, everything. I am... just through being here, either as observer or through action... part of it; past, present and future.

It is astounding, and I love it. And I am thankfull for it all.

Love, xxx

P.S. Sorry to make you read all that ramble... feel free to hit me... I probably don't even make any sense... was just feeling pondersome.