Friday, June 30, 2006

Scary watermen, sunshine and stuff...

Hello! Today has been another busy day. There was another (painful) 7am start, followed by more house tidying, more clothes washing and more job searching.

About halfway through the day I had a bit of a scary encounter with some (as dubbed by Tim) 'very rubbish watermen'. I heard some bustling about outside the back of the house, and went through to the back door to find two, scruffy looking men there, with the outside tap running. Needless to say, I asked who they were, and one of them said 'I'm Jamie'. As if that would explain everything. After a bit of banter, he finally said the he was from the waterboard, come to check our water supply. Then he said 'But we don't have any I.D. Maybe we are really gypsies come to keep you occupied at the door whilst we rob you.' Needless to say I was a little scared. But, they insisted, regardless of their lack of identification, and lack of a van (or from what I could see any form of transport), that they were from the waterboard. This kind of made sense, as our water has been off for the last few days during the day. But still odd. Particularly when one of them asked me if I wanted to buy some lucky heather off him. As well as the fact that they had just turned up in my back garden. Anyway... they left, and after a brief chat with my nearest neighbour, and with Tim, I decided that these men had not been scary or any sort of a threat. Just really 'very rubbish watermen'.

What else happened today? Nothing really of huge interest... I have been very mumsy today, looking after Oscar and cooking suppers and stuff. Quite fun really.

Anyway, love to all, and I guess just remember not to take things, situations or people at face value. xxx

Thursday, June 29, 2006

ARGH! I forgot the title. This will have to suffice!

Today has been an even busier day... it began at 7am, which was not pleasant... with me having to get the boys (Adam and Oscar) up and ready for school... trust me, trying to activate a teenage boy and a sleepy six year old when you yourself want to crawl into a corner and snore away into eternity is not fun (Note: I do not actually, to my knowledge, snore... I was simply using at a plot device to jazz up the sentence). Anyway. This done, I pottered round the house, fed the dogs, cleared and cleaned dishes and dishwashers, put clothes in the wash, made beds, re-arranged a room, watered plants, walked dogs, checked ponies, watched wimbledon, watched film... by which time Adam arrived home from school and we continued re-arranging Oscar's and my bedroom.. which involved taking hundreds of books of a bookshelf, moving the shelf, then replacing the books. Then Oscar got home, and I cooked supper for him, and fed him. Then I cooked for Adam and myself, and ate (the supper, unsurprisingly). Then Kathy arrived home from College for the holidays. So I cooked supper for her. Then I watched some of the Andy Murray wimbledon match, whilst getting Oscar into his pyjamas. Then I put Oscar to bed. Then I watched more wimbledon. Then I came online, and here we are. Phew. Exhausting!

Ooooh... I also got my exam results today... Wooooo! 63% average. I am very pleased. Particularly at not having to do resits! Yay!

What else happened today... Oh yes. I turned into a mint. Courtesy of toothpaste, mint-scented shampoo and some scary little green men (which may or may not have been in my imagination) I am now a bonafide, glorified and petrified mint. Not a Polo though, far too traumatic.

I think that is all. Love etc, xxx (which, by the way, as expressed by some of my friends, is not my way of telling you all I've gone into the porn industry, okay! They are just kisses!)

P.S. Also today made more progression with 'Pigeons for scarves' campaign, with the President of the group sending a letter to the LTA with regards to their reckless treatment of the pigeons at Wimbledon, namely Michael and Archibald. Hear, hear! Coo, Coo!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hello, hello, hello

Hello world.

Today has been, although with a lazy, yet lovely, 12 o'clock start, busy and bustling. Once up, I spent time tidying my room, tidying the house, talking to my mum about her career, looking online with a view to beginning my career (that sounds so high and mighty, when really I've been scouring the internet for whatever measly job and pay I can find!) , phoning people, cooking supper (sorry- Tea!), putting Oscar to bed, watching a film with Adam and walking the dogs. Oh, and watching Wimbledon of course, and doing more sudoku/crosswords.

Now I put it all down, it seems minimal and not very exciting, but it has been a busy day! I expect the next couple of days to be even busier, as my day begins at 7am... getting my brothers ready for school, seeing them off, tidying the house, cooking, cleaning etc, etc.

I'm quite enjoying being so busy though... I have been finding empty days a bit tiring! Odd, I know, but oh well!

Anyway, I'll leave you now, love and all... xxx

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wimbledon etc.


Today has been beautifully lazy. I had my first lie-in of the holiday, not waking up until 12, and then lounging around till' 3 reading and talking to people online etc. Good fun, good fun. When I eventually got dressed, I watched Henman play in Wimbledon on telly, whilst doing some crosswords and a sudoku. What a wonderful life, and all that jazz. After this, I sorted out my (and Oscar's) room a bit, washed dishes and clothes and was generally house-wifey. This afternoon, once Oscar and Adam had returned from school, I watched Wimbledon some more (Andy Murray...), did a wordsearch with Oscar, cooked supper (steak and roasted veg. couscous) and put Oscar to bed. He is reading (well, being read) Enid Blyton at the moment... which is fab! Takes me back a bit... and makes me feel very old. Perhaps because I am old.

Anyway, I feel that this post has been really badly written, and I do apologise, but I am having to do it quickly as my battery is about to run out on the laptop. Therefore, I shall bid you adieu...

Byee xxx

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday brings the rain

Today it has been raining. Lots and lots and lots. Whatever delusions I had about 'sunny, sunny Devon' are well and truly shot down. But oh well... hopefully the sun will return sometime soon. Preferably before I go back to Durham.

Today I have been out of the house and down in Torquay/Totnes looking round old people's homes with my mum, aunt and uncle for my Grandma. It was sad, thinking about the fact that she will have to leave her house of 40 years, and a town she has lived in for even longer. But, there is no-one near her anymore to visit regularly, and there is no way she can look after herself. So this is the best option, and the home we decided on is really lovely. Kind of feels like a pensioner Thid Floor... with a huge common room, and slightly better food! And a cat called 'the boss'. Hmmn, anyway. That's what I did with my day. We also stopped for a very nice pub lunch which was very good. Yum yum.

Also on the note of food, I just munched my way through a packet of skittles and a snickers. Oh dear oh dear. Oh well...

Now I am off to make a cup of tea, I think, and maybe do a crossword. My life is such an exciting rollercoaster. I just don't know how I cope... hahaha.

Hope all are well and safe and enjoyed their first days at work/looking for work/avoiding work etc. xxx

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back Home... for THREE MONTHS? Noooo... not possible

Well. Yesterday was a day of endings.

No more Thid Floor. No more Andy or the other finalists. No more college tea. No more hash browns. No more quick trips to the bar, the shop, Tees Lawn.

It is sad. But progressive... we are moving on to the next stage of our lives... and although it will be very different, in my optimistic view on life, I believe that it will be just as good, if not better than last year.

There is a lot to look forward to, and a lot to be thankful for. Thank you ALL for such a fantastic first experience of University life... it has truly been the best year of my life, and it's down to you guys! Thank you, thank you!

I'm gonna sign off now, but I will no doubt be blogging regularly...

So see you soon! Love you all, stay safe... xxx

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ground control to Major Tom...

This is an update.

There... happy now?


Friday, June 02, 2006

Summertime... and the living is easy

Sun is shining. Weather is sweet.
Feeling hot, hot, hot.
Sunshine through my window.

I love this weather.

I love no exams.

I love girly nights... chocolate fondue, alcohol, music, films, laughter, singing, frisbee and boppit. Does it get any better? Yes... there was pizza too!


Thursday, June 01, 2006


Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

ARGH! Arrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh.
