Thursday, March 30, 2006

School, caramel shortcake and cofee-shops...

Well. Today has been an exceptionally busy day. After nearly two weeks of utter nothingness, I have to say it has come as a bit of a shock to the system. Still, I mustn't complain, as it has been a thoroughly nice day!

It started very early... I was up and out of the house by 8.30am, an hour I had nearly forgotten even existed... about 4 hours before my normal rising time (does it sound like I'm a loaf of bread?), anyway, yes, 8.30am and on my way to drop my brother off at his school, before being dropped off by my mum in Exeter.

I met up with a friend, Steph (who has been working in a brewery in Exeter, until she was recently laid off, and so now has lots of time on her hands... until she goes to Uni in September) and after a bit of window shopping, I managed to persuade her to accompany me to our old school, where I had to pick up my A level certificates, having missed their official handing out, at Prize Giving. This led to my discovering that I had, in fact, won the Biology Prize, and a £10 book token... so hurrah for me! I had no idea that my school valued me so much.. it makes me feel so worthwhile. It was odd to be back there... nothing had changed, and yet I have... but it was good to see some old teachers again, and catch up on the gossip of what other people from my year are up to!

Having parted ways with Steph, I got a phone call from another old friend, Sarah (studying Medicine at Cambridge.. yup, I know)... after a couple of hours window shopping, birthday shopping and charity shopping (it was an odd list... hehe), we met up at Boston's, which is a great, but expensive cafe, sofa-ry, table-y place.. but quite expensive... anyway, yes, it was great to catch up! And then I did more window shopping, then home on the bus... which was FREE because they were running late, or some such thing. Hurrah! It did mean, though, that I didn't get home 'til 7pm and then had to go feed ponies, and walk dogs in the pouring rain and wind (the wind wasn't pouring, just the rain).

Then I made salad, had tea and put my little brother to bed. And now it is now. Phew. Busy day. But still no work done. Hrmmmn... should I start to worry?

Bye bye, stay safe and love you all, over and out! xxx

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Two posts, one day... can you cope with the excitement...

Just a little post to update you all on some exciting news...

First of all... my family really is mad. Mad, mad, mad, mad, mad. Want some proof... My mother, on a whim, bought a ukelele (mini guitar, hawaiian instrument) off ebay, which arrived today. Madness.

In other news, the real excitement that I came on here to tell you all about is...

I have A Job! Hurrah! Not only that. It is the perfect job. Jobba from heaven. Yes indeedy. I shall be processing horticultural photographs for an up and coming online image library... and at 15p a photo, with 6000 photos to do, if I work very fast I will be able to earn myself £900! Yippee! And even better, I have managed to persuade my mum (okay, okay... the reason I got the job was because she is a partner in the business.. still I beat some woman called Tracy who was also possibly going to do it) to bring the computer on which I will be working from the office, to home... so I will be able to work as and when I want. So I now have a new insomniac excercise... previously it has been watching Quizmania or crappy werewolf films (Andy knows which I mean).

So, all things going well, I should be able to get myself outa my overdraft before next term... hopefully... or at least half way there. Yay! Celebrate.

That's all for now my lovelies, bye bye, stay safe etc xxx

We're half way through the week... what do you think about that?

Welcome, people and animals all, to Wednesday's blog post.
That gives me a sense of importance... which is ridiculous, as my blogs seem to contain nothing but rubbish. Oh well. I see it as a kind of therapeutic excercise... getting rid of some of the utter crap that rolls around in my head all day. And night. Hey, maybe its even helping me sleep better at night. I would believe this, if only I had managed to get to sleep before 3.30am in the last week. It is very very bad... I seem to have got into the habit of being awake until at least 3.30am, and not getting up till 1pm. This is surely very bad. I need to discipline myself. That and find a plug for my phone, so I can use it as an alarm clock.
Well. We are a week and half in to the holiday, and I've managed to do next to no work... oh well... it will happen in its own time, I'm sure. I did fill out my Student Finance forms today though... on the very same day they arrived... probably in an attempt to put off work. I'm also thinking I should start calculating the number of miles I walk daily with the dogs. Only problem with that is I left my pedometer up in Durham, so it would be a very approximate guess. Oh well.
In other news, I am insane. Fact. Now how about another picture...

Okay, bye kids, stay safe, Love etc... xxx

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Today is Tuesday... not Wednesday...

Well, well, well. It seems everybody has caught the 'must work' bug, and all have begun revising, reading and doing questions. Well, everyone but me, at least. It makes me feel guilty... though sadly not enough to actually do anything. Oh well.

Today, the house had a visit from Robyn the Aga-man. No, he is not a superhero... but an (I believe) eighty-something, kind old gent who knows just about everything about Agas. This, although good as it means our Aga is now in good working condition, was a little bothersome as he undid the Aga all over the kitchen floor, and consequently I had nothing to eat until about 4.30pm. I was hungry (No, Tim, not the country... thats HungAry).

I'm not hungry anymore... just had tea.. yum yum. Except, now I am, courtesy of Tim showing me pictures of some yummy, posh Harrogate cakes... including the infamous Caramel Slice. What else happened today though.... erm, not a lot to be honest. Adam and I went for a walk with the dogs. One day I will manage to get more pics of my home, and the surrounding areas so you can see what its like. For now, I will try and get a picture of our dog, Fidge, up. Hopefully it'll work!

I also fed ponies today. And put my little brother to bed. We are currently reading Roald Dahl's 'George's Marvellous Medicine'... I never before realised what an evil little boy George is.. he is horrible! Calling his Grandmother a 'cow', 'pig', 'dog' etc etc. Its not right, however horrid she is...

I can't believe I'm discussing children's stories on my blog. Oh well.

That really is all now. Bye bye all, and stay safe.. Love etc xxx

Monday, March 27, 2006

Possibly the most boring post ever... consider this your disclaimer... you have been warned!

Well, I had the house to myself again today... and I can't say I was sorry. I didn't get up till past 1pm, and I was still in my pyjamas at 3.30pm-ish. Wonderful. Despite this amazing laziness, I had a relatively productive day... house cleaning-wise. Still haven't done any work... but we mustn't dwell on our downfalls, must we. Oh, I really should do some work. Oh well.

As you may have gathered, I have drawn a complete blank as to what to say... tum ti tum, but I am not going to be beaten, I am determined to keep up this daily posting thing for as long as possible. I Will Not Be Beaten.

I love hobnobs. They are yummy. We have hobnobs in house now. Hurrah for hobnobs.
I also like Greenwing. It is on right this second, which may be why this is such a crap Blog post.. I do apologise but the comedy comes first. Haha.

Urm. Ooh.. ad break, maybe I'll think of something interesting to say now...

Nope, no... so I will leave you all now... hope I haven't, you know, killed any of you from boredom. Still. I have not been beaten.

Love and all, stay safe, xx

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sleepy Sunday

Today has been a rather good day, considering it was a Sunday. It is a generally accepted fact that I do not, on the whole, enjoy Sundays. There is a lot of hanging about, a lot of rain, a lot of boredom... usually only interrupted by an argument or two. Today, however, has been rather good. It could be because I managed to spectacularly sleep away most of the day, until about 2.20, when I was called downstairs by my brother, for Sunday roast. Yum, yum. I don't even feel guilty over this as technically, I'm still working on British Winter Time (is that even right?), anyway, point is in my world it was still only 1.20.

In other news, I finally got further than the two or three miles away from the house that I get when walking the dogs... we went all the way to the local shops! Hurrah! Not only an escape from the house-boundness from which I have been suffering, but also as a bonus, a means to gaining chocolate! Yum yum! Maltesers are officially fab.

I think that's all for today, I'm off to watch Family Guy... actually I'm already watching it, but I'm going to go and concentrate more fully...

Love etc... stay safe all, xxx

A rant, if you please...

Okay, I know three posts in one day is a little excessive, but I feel the need to rant and rave a little.. okay? I am seriously worried about how I am going to cope with another four weeks of being at home. Maybe I'm being stupid, female, hormonal, emotional, anything... but whatever it is, I am starting to go stir crazy. I don't seem to quite fit here anymore... and I feel I am constantly walking on egg shells/thin ice (pick your chosen metaphor) with my mother... I love her very much, but she is very hard work... the good times are great, the bad times are just shit. I don't know how to deal with her anymore. It's bad. And I can't really explain it to you, because no-one has lived my life, or known me since I was born.. so I guess the only person I could really talk to about this would be my brother. But it's different for him too... because the relationship he has with my mum is different to the one I have. He gets away with everything. I get blamed for things I would never have even thought of doing. That's life. I thought I had got used to it, apparently not. You have no idea how weird it is writing this, knowing none of you will actually know what I'm talking about... in fact this post isn't really for you guys as much as it is for me to vent for a minute or five. Thank goodness I can do that at least, I'd never, of course, confront my mother, because, to be frank, she scares the living daylight outta me (another stupid phrase). Oh. I don't know. The point is, 4 weeks is a heck of a long time to be walking on egg shells, and I just know that some of them are gonna break before then, and I don't want them too because it makes life too hard. I don't know how I'm gonna cope. I guess what I'll have to do is breathe in deeply, smile and just get on with it. I've got quite good at that.

Anyways, sorry to rant... pretty self-obsessed bullshit really. So actually, if you value your time, don't bother reading this. I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

Love you all, xxx

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A quickie from Vicky

Hahahahaha. Aren't I funny. And lyrical. Anyway, yes.. just a quick reminder to you all- the clocks go forward tonight, so don't forget to change your watches etc! Summertime officially begins here! Hurrah! xxx

Saturday night, I feel the air is getting hot.. like you baby..

Well, its not quite night yet (wow, rhyming), but its all I could come up with at such short notice my little hobnob lovers. Hmmn... does that sound wrong? Answers on the back of a postcard please... or you could just leave a comment. Anyway, yes, Saturday... Tim is right, it does feel odd... suddenly, instead of having the house to myself, it is full of other people (all of whom I'm related to, by the way... I haven't suddenly been overrun by intruders) and I have to think about them as well as myself. I know that sounds very selfish, but politics can get quite heated in my household. Sometimes I just want out. But anyways, back to Saturdays.. I also feel like I am allowed a break from all this work that I haven't been doing, which in turn leads me to think about the fact that I haven't done any work all week, which leads me into a downward spiral of guilt. Plus, there is never anything good on television. Thus, I do not really like Saturdays... which is strange, because, had you have asked me when I was at school, or even during term-time at Uni, which is my favourite day of the week, it would probably be Saturday. Don't get me started on Sundays, I will tell you all about them tomorrow (which, coincidentally is a Sunday). Anyway... nothing much has happened yet for me to tell you about... my brother went to the opticians, my other brother watched Brum, I had to wash jam off this brother's foot (don't ask... a sister's job is never done), urrmm.. its very windy and occassionally rainy. That's about all. I also discovered, courtesy of Oli, that Exeter has 107000 people in it, about a fifth the population size of Sheffield. The largest city in the world (in terms of population size) is, apparently, Seoul. Hmmn.. what else have I discovered... oh, it costs £80 for a single train ticket to the place that Meghan lives in Norfolk, urm... and Ant and Dec are rubbish (thank you CD:UK for that little gem of knowledge). I think that is all. Not too bad considering it's only 2pm. Anyway, I'm off to make lunch now, so tara!

Love etc, xxx

Friday, March 24, 2006

Got that Friday feeling? No... me neither.

Well hello! I didn't see you there...

Yes, I am like a tacky T.V. show. Learn to love it. I have realised the possible flaw in my blog writing... I post too early in the day, and thus I have nothing to talk about, because nothing has happened! Apparently, I don't learn from my mistakes... hmmn.. could be interesting.

Well, what do I have to tell you all today? Not a lot, apparently. It was my birthday yesterday, which was fun... I opened some presents (saved the rest for today, when my sister gets back)... which included scarves, books, make up and... best of all... money! Hurrah! Thanks again all of you who sent cards/wrote on my wall/ sent texts/ pigeon-post/ smoke signals etc, etc.

In other news, for all those who talked to my brother on MSN yesterday, I do apologise for the crazy kid... bless him, he is far more insane than any of us put together. He should, hopefully, be coming up to visit next term, so you will get to experience this insanity first hand (is that the phrase I'm looking for...?).

Ermm.. ooh I went for a very nice walk yesterday- I had been putting it off all day, because the weather was a little worse than crap... rain, wind.. you name it, we had it. Anyway, so because I put it off, I managed to convince Adam (my 15 yr old bro) to come with me. And instead of just taking a turn along the lanes, we decided to head into the next door neighbour's fields and woods (don't worry, we have permission, but there is always the risk of running into a rather large, scary bull (yes bull, not ball)). Anyway, point is, it was very fun- even if my bro tried to freak me out with Blairwitch-esque stories... and at the end we found some tree swings (logs attached to bits of rope tied to trees that act as a swing)... what a lot of fun. Hmmn, yes, I am a child at heart in many ways.

Wow, I seem to have written a lot, how boring for you all, I'll leave you be now... byeee xxx

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Happy Birthday World!

Hello people. Today is a very special day... 19 years ago today I was born. FACT. I was very, very small (6 weeks early), and my lungs hadn't formed properly yet... you wouldn't think that now, would you... I'm too loud! Anyway, in other news... HOORAY!!! We have tea once more, lovely, lovely, fairtrade, not decaf, lovely TEA! Along with lots of other goodies.. hurrah! hurrah!

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else to say, I don't think, my lovelies.. so I will sign off for today, and speak to y'all tomorrow! Byee xx

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hello people who are sad enough to actually bother reading this.

I feel sad and all alone. No-one is online... I have nothing to do... I even resorted to working, for a little while.

I went for a walk with the dogs today, which was nice, but brought to attention just how FREEZING it is outside... why, why, why, why, why? Surely, now that it is over half-way through March the weather should have warmed up a little... plus I'm in the SOUTH!

What is going on with the world today, hmmmn?

Okay... complaining done now... on the plus side, errrr... The Simpsons is on... and errr... oh I don't know. On a sad, and worrying note- WE HAVE RUN OUT OF TEA!!! I know, shocking right.. and to add insult to injury we do have some tea in the house.. but it's DECAF which is officially DISGUSTING! Don't ever drink it, if you value your taste buds at all.

Anyway, that's all from me now... sorry it's a bit pessimistic, I'll try and be more upbeat tomorrow!

How about some more pictures... these ones from my trip to Europe...

St Mark's Square, Venice, just for Tim
on account of the pigeons...

Sarajevo, Bosnia
Prague, Czechoslovakia


Morning, morning, morning...

Okay, I know, so it's the afternoon now... but in my mind it is very much still the morning... so deal!

Urm... there is not really a lot to say today, mainly because time goes so slowly down here in Devurrrnshierrree (correct spelling, I think you'll find...) that nothing happens...

Urm. In fact, I tell you what... I will go, spend a day not doing anything, and then come back in the evening and maybe I'll have something to write about.

For the time being, I will put in some pictures, just for fun!

Me and Katie in the
Botanical Gardens,

Katie, Alex, Emma and Taj
in the Botanical Gardens.

Urgh. I tried to add more, but the STUPID computer won't let me... it is being picky. I'll try again later...

Bye all! Love etc xxx

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hello people. Not entirely sure what I am going to write about in this post, so I shall just take it as it comes, and hope that the end result is not too terribly awful... hmmmn that sounds quite Rah doesn't it... it must have been my decline down South... where the weather is warmer, and the rain is wetter. I would prefer snow, to be honest.

It seems to me that everywhere I go, everything I do and every thing I watch in some way reminds me of Uni, or the people from Uni... in particular it seems the town Harrogate (and we know which crazy, crazy person hails from there...) is being mentioned on television time and time again.. so much so I think I'm gonna have to start making a tally... Tim what is up with your hometown... why is it suddenly so popular in the media, hmmmn?

Anyway, there really is not much to say as I spend so much time talking to you all on MSN anyway, so I thought instead I would add a picture of my home. As it turns out, the only one I have on this computer is of my brother on the trampoline in the garden... though there is quite a nice view of the fields around us... now do you see... I AM a country bumpkin, ooh aah I am.

Bye for now, xxx

Monday, March 20, 2006

Just Another Manic Monday...

Except it isn't a Manic Mildert Monday, as we're not up there.. everyone is spread all over the country, like butter, perhaps... or margerine. Methinks something is telling me to go have breakfast (I know, I know 12:20 is a little late for brekkie, but I only just got up!) In this lazy way I suppose I do love the holidays... and now that my Mum is out at work, and siblings are at their respective schools it does mean I have the house to myself, which is nice.

I don't think I have anything particularly interesting to tell you all, so I'm gonna sign off now... maybe this will be a two posts kind of day... only time will tell.#

Bye bye, xxx

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hello World...

Okay, okay I know... this isn't the most original idea ever... the whole blogging thing, but I thought it was about time I jumped on the band wagon. That and the fact that I have been home less than 24 hours, and already I am bored and missing everyone from uni like mad. Which is odd, as we just had proper Sunday lunch, so I should be in a 'fully appreciating home life' like state. I'm not. Weird, ey? Don't know how I'm going to last 5 weeks... (and yes that was a desperate plea for help... visit me, speak to me... acknowledge meeeee!!! Ahem. Anyways... no-one is online at the moment, I've run out of things to do on Facebook, and I am certainly not going to go and unpack... so I have created a blog. You see... the Queen of Procrastination is me... in fact, I might just go take a nap... byee all xxx