Sunday, May 27, 2007

What really matters?

Is it you... is it the things you feel, the things you do, the lives you affect? Should we concentrate on what is central to us, what affects us?
How can we, when everything seems so trivial in relation to the world? Whatever problems we have, they will never compare to what somebody else is suffering. Does this mean our problems are not important? But they are just as sorely felt. So what does this leave us with? Still the same old problems, and how they make you feel, along with guilt, as you are just not as appreciative as you should be. Not as thankful, not as hopeful, not as happy.
But then, everything pales into significance when you take other things into account. Other, greater things. But you can't feel guilt over these things... well you can, and you do, and you may even appreciate... but you can never redeem these things.

So we are left with what?

A neverending guilt that we aren't ever quite as happy as life should allow us to be? We don't appreciate the things we have, nor do we help those who don't have these things enough. We don't do enough, we don't thank enough, and we pity ourselves just far too much.

But do we?
How can we?

How can we help what we feel? How can we change it?

Time... understanding...? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe acceptance. I don't know.

I don't know what to concentrate on, because I can't work out... what really matters?

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