Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Just Remember...

  • People will always surprise you.
  • Life will sometimes amaze you.
  • Other times it will bore you.
  • You will shock yourself.
  • For this reason, you will never quite know yourself.
  • But we all like surprises every so often...
  • You don't have to look very far to find something to inspire you
  • Even less far to see something that makes you smile
  • Contemplation is good, but don't take it too seriously.
  • Fun is not illegal (well... not most types...)
  • Life is bigger than a momentary set back.
  • Momentary set backs can help you grow.
  • Don't ever stop growing, learning, changing.
  • Don't always take the easy road... it may be smoother, but the view won't be so great.
  • Don't fear what's around the corner... revel in the surprise.
  • People will always surprise you.

There. Bad blog, but I can't be bothered to make it flow. Therefore, bulletpoints! Love, xxx

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