Thursday, March 01, 2007

Music and Lyrics

We all listen to music.. every day. We all have our favourite songs, artists, lyrics. We all have songs that mean something to us, remind us of something, make us feel a particular way.

How often do we really listen to the lyrics though? Really think about what we are singing along to means? So today, take just one song... which has special meaning for you, and really go investigate the lyrics. Find out what they mean, not just to you but also to the person who wrote them. You never know, the song may just take on a completely new direction... you may be dissapointed, but what is more likely is that you will be introduced to a whole new idea, or take on the song that pushes it into another... dimension?

Maybe I am being over the top. But think, I know that at least for me, music has a special place in my life, and I couldn't do without it! So just for a few minutes, give it all of your attention, and take the opportunity to really appreciate it, and what the artist/writer wanted to get across to you...

And, just so you know... my song was Walking in Memphis, Marc Cohen.


Emmie-lou said...

Did he sing the original?? There are so many versions!!

vix said...

Yep... he wrote it after going to Memphis... and there is a Hollywood Cafe and Muriel did play the piano there, and they did ask him to sing...!!!

Anonymous said...

Good words.