Friday, September 29, 2006

VIB... Vicky Is ...

I can't think of what to put for the 'B', so I shall leave that for you to come up with... answers in the comments section please.
Today Emma moved in properly to No. 1, which is very exciting. We had a brilliant evening playing cards, listening to music (and, sorry guys, singing along) and chatting and it was good fun. Earlier in the day, Katie and I discovered a short-cut to the shop, we all visited Argos and we tidied the house a bit.

It's been a good day. x

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tea, anyone?

Today I've drunk lots of tea, eaten many biscuits, played cards and spent an excessive amount of time on the internet, just because I can now.

Katie and I also cleaned the house a bit, and figured out how to work the tumble dryer... so that's good.

Also tonight we watched 'V for Vendetta', which was very good, although it does mean that I will be going to sleep after 3am for the umpteenth night running, which is not very good.

But sacrifices have to be made, and the good news is that DUO is working for me once more.


P.S. I have noticed I have a tendency to overuse the word 'good', so apologies!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yay for speedy internet!

After a day of wires and network connections, LAN settings, ISP addresses, and many more technical confusing things, Katie and I have finally managed to set up the internet in our house, wireless and hugely speedy!

It's sooo good... I'm on my bed right now, no wires... brilliant!

Anyway, that's it for now

Oh and welcome back to Durham all those who have returned now! x

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Serial Killers and Sickness

Today I am not very well... what started out as just a cold has descended into either a 'very shitty' cold, or the flu. I'm all achey and ill and generally horrible.

So what better way to spend the day than reading about serial killers (my new book, it's very cool), playing Yahtzee and card games and reading gossip mags. Brilliant.

Now I'm going to email my mum and then I think we are watching a film. Bye, see some of you soon, x

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Chinese, McSeriously good...

Well I had every intention of getting an early night last night, because I have been getting ill. That all fell to pieces, however...

First of all, I found out that the job that I had been given is no longer available, as they have 'frozen' all new employments or some such crap which basically means I HAVE NO JOB. Which seriously sucks. So, in that depressed light, we set off for Meghans for what was meant to be a bit of America's next top model, followed by early bed.

Twas not the case, however. After top model, Tom and Scott came over, joing Meghan, Liam, Katie and I... we had a few drinks, had a bit of a grey's anatomy marathon, played some yahtzee and ate some chinese takeaway. Great fun, but fun that didn't end 'till 5.30am, when I finally got to sleep. It was a very good night, though... so thanks to Meghan and Liam for the hospitality, and the Yahtzee!

Today Katie, Meghan, Liam and I went for lunch at dynasty for yet more chinese, but it was the perfect food for the afternoon after the night before. Yum. Then, Katie and I trawled shops for second hand books (of which I bought 3... for my course, of course!) and board games (I bought some dice, and Katie bought snakes and ladders). The rest of our day has been spent watching a film and playing Yahtzee (we tried Dominoes once, but they just didn't compete, so we reverted back to the faithful die).

All in all a good couple of days. Other than the no job thing. x

Monday, September 18, 2006

I am not

going to apologise for having a bad week. I'm sorry if my blogs have made people think that I think things that I don't, but I really don't. I'm sorry if people have been offended by anything I have written, or taken anything personally.

Maybe I should write a draft of my blog before I publish it, but I don't... I just write, and whatever I'm feeling at that moment will come out. So I'm sorry if I wrote things in a way that hurt people, it wasn't meant to be. This past week of blogs haven't been aimed at anyone or anything, I've felt a bit low, and I'm sorry about that... and I'm sick, and all, but I'm not holding back on anything or secretly holding hateful feelings towards anyone.

So please don't worry.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

I have

come to the realisation that maybe it is better not to tell anyone anything, because that way you know that information won't be passed on. Also, its better not to ask anything, because then you don't get told things you don't want to hear. Though sometimes you can't stop someone from saying something. I don't know where I'm going with this. And I know that people will probably read things into this that they shouldn't, but that is the problem with saying anything.

I might become a mute.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Today is Saturday

and I am covered in ink.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Sometimes I feel like...

I'm slipping under and I just don't know how to stop myself.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I wish

There was a way that I could just make my head explode and then I wouldnt know akll the thgings i know, feel what i feel, think what i rthink

i would just be lost in oblivion

and ignorance would still be bliss

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Job Searching and Sky

The past few days has consisted of...

Seeing Meghan who moved in on Sunday to her house on Mistletoe St.
Looking for jobs, applying for jobs, preparing for interview for job.
Watching family guy with Meghan and Scott at Scott's flat... and drinking maybe too much wine and gin... sorry guys if I was really incomprehensible.
Washing and cleaning.
Reading... though not for my course- I still don't have a reading list.
Watching Meghan's SKY T.V of which I am very jealous. I do, however, realise that if I were to have sky I would never get anything done what with watching all the 'Next Top Model' bitchiness, sitcom re-run comedy, films and other important things like... THE CRYSTAL MAZE. Which was a brilliant show.

Anyway. That's all folks, I'm gonna go fill out some application forms... xxx

Sunday, September 03, 2006


It's funny... at home, despite the fact that I generally spent my days doing nothing, I always managed to find something to write in a blog, albeit probably meaningless, boring and a waste of all our time. Since coming up to Durham, still spending my days doing nothing, interspersed by the occasional job hunt, tesco trip, pub visit, or film viewing with Tom and Taj, I am finding it difficult to come up with anything to write about.

Having said that, I just wrote a whole paragraph on the fact that I have nothing to write. And now here, I have the beginnings of another paragraph on the fact that I wrote a paragraph on the fact I have nothing to write. I could go on. But I won't. Anyway, hope to talk to you all soon... I think I am missing human-human interaction (not, of course forgetting Taj and Tom...) or maybe I am just missing dear MSN.

I'll stop now, before I go too far. Love, xxx