Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Alice in Wonderland

Another day, another post... aren't I being good...

Well this evening I went to see Oscar (7) in his primary school production of Alice: The Musical. On the face of it, it was a very sweet, sometimes sung beautifully out of key evening. The children were endearingly nervous, or enthusiastic... or in Oscar's case oblivious to anything but finding familiar faces in the audience. Incidentally, he played a Jackdaw... apparently he was just given title of "bird" but he felt the role needed something a little more specific. So it was that a jackdaw, a group of other anonymous birds, and a few other creatures from Class 2 did their dance and sang their songs etc etc. Was v sweet... especially when a young member of the audience got so excited by the repetitive chorus of "down down down down" in one of the songs, that he decided to attempt to join in too... although at all the wrong times and keys and everything. Amusing though.

This was just a primary school production... it was not meant to inspire any of the audience members into anything more than gloating over how wonderful their child was. However, it did strike me as the children mimed Alice falling down the rabbit hole, not sure where she was going, when this constant falling would end, or who wouldbe there with her when it ended, as something rather akin to life, or my life.

I sometimes feel rather like Alice must have, falling down that rabbit hole... totally unsure of anything, and yet unable to stop the rollercoaster I am on. It is scary. And confusing. And rather like Alice, I sometimes find myself in a sea of tears at the end of it (go read Lewis Carrol if you dont get the reference). I could go further into this analogy, and describe the fact that there are many boisterous queens of hearts, and crazy cheshire cats, and uninterested yet enticing white rabbits in my life... but maybe that would be taking too much away from a production put on by a bunch of under 11 year olds. Interesting, however, it is. And I suppose Lewis Carrol thought so.

Then again, I guess I could read something into the label on a jam jar... so keen am I to find answers to all the questions I cannot name.

At the end of the day, those questions dont matter if you look at yourself and make sure that, in your eyes, you are doing the best you can to be the person you think you should be. That you uphold what is important, and act accordingly. You dont let yourself be dragged into things that muddy the water. It can be hard sometimes though... and then is when you need a little help.


Andrew_tM said...

Hello, Vicky? Phone for you. It's the Wachowski brothers; they want their Matrix script back.

Anonymous said...

That was nothing like the Matrix! I never mentioned any intelligent machines controlling the human race, creating a false universe for their minds....