Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Ok, so I know I was very drunk last night, and that maybe my reaction was partly due to that, but... as I was walking home at about 2am after a lovely night, my feet a little worse for wear, it began to snow. Really heavily. It had already snowed a little earlier in the night, and the roads, pavements, grass, houses, cars and trees were all covered. As was I, increasingly. Thanks to my alcohol coat, I didn't feel the cold, but I was touched by just how astoundingly beautiful snow is. At that time of night, the roads were empty, and the world was silent... all there was was me walking up the hill, and the snow, falling gently covering all the marks that we have left upon the world. Maybe this is why I think snow is so wonderful... it acts like a big blanket that hides all the ugliness that humanity has produced in order to 'get around, and get along'. Or maybe, it is just simply that it is beautiful... soft and slow. I don't know. I sound a little stupid now, I'm sure, but nevermind. It was a moment that caught me, and I guess I just wanted to reiterate what has already been put in other blogs... just remember to occasionally stop, and look around. Don't get too caught up in life, to forget the world in which you are living. That it has beauty beyond any which we could create. It is simple and it is wonderful, and it should be appreciated.



Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Hehehe I love snow. I missed it though. Was tucked up in bed fast alseep.

Katita said...

I love snow too and I watched it out my window this morning.