Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Nightmare in Packingsville

Ok... I have about 35 hours until I am meant to be up and ready to head off to Durham. However, I am, as you may be aware, terrible at packing. Maybe worse than the me trying to choose an outfit kind of bad. No, nothing beats that. Anyway... yes, I am very bad. This is for two reasons. I begin the packing with the greatest of intentions... to pack light, and to pack neat. These, however, become my downfall. I get bored of folding, and indecisive as to what I really need. This means that my suitcase gets overstuffed, untidily, and full to burst with things I'll probably never need.

I am aware of this fault, but am helpless to do anything to stop it. It is just who I am. In this way I hate packing. On the other side of the coin, however, I quite enjoy it. I can turn the music up loud, let my mind wander as it's not a particularly engaging task, and get excited about where I am going.

This is the ambivalence of me.


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