Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Exams are over! (Until August, at least...)

Well... there we go... as far as exams are concerned, I am done, done, done! And I couldn't be happier. The exam season ended at 10.30 today, following my Psych2 exam, which went okay as well, I think... a nice end to a stressful time. Now I look forward to fun, sun, dancing, drinking, friends, barbeques and lots of sleeping. I might read a book or two as well. Luxury.

There is nothing like it... I have nothing to do for the next FOUR MONTHS. I suppose I'd better get a job, but for now I am just going to love life. Yay!

I am in a very positive mood today. Good luck everyone who still has exams... don't worry, you too can soon join me on the other side!

Love etc xxx

1 comment:

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

tum tiddly dum de dum