Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Exams are over! (Until August, at least...)

Well... there we go... as far as exams are concerned, I am done, done, done! And I couldn't be happier. The exam season ended at 10.30 today, following my Psych2 exam, which went okay as well, I think... a nice end to a stressful time. Now I look forward to fun, sun, dancing, drinking, friends, barbeques and lots of sleeping. I might read a book or two as well. Luxury.

There is nothing like it... I have nothing to do for the next FOUR MONTHS. I suppose I'd better get a job, but for now I am just going to love life. Yay!

I am in a very positive mood today. Good luck everyone who still has exams... don't worry, you too can soon join me on the other side!

Love etc xxx

Monday, May 22, 2006


It's Monday. It's raining. It's 09:22, and I've overslept. I have lots of revision to do for my exam. My foot hurts, and a bad song just came on i-tunes. Despite all this, I am feeling in a rather positive mood at the moment. I don't know why, and I don't think I should question. Just be content with my contentment. It's nice, and I can't wait for exams to finish for everyone so we can get to having fun, fun, fun. It will be great.

There's a lot to look forward to in life.

So... eyes front, head straight, and carry on your way.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Odd Mood, sorry folks!

Mmmmn... pizza.

Zzzzzzz... revision.

Grrrrrr... rain.

Woooo... next Wednesday.

Hahaha... just because.

There. Life. Living it.


Friday, May 19, 2006

One more to go!

Well I've done four exams now... three went ok, one, not so good... but let's not dwell on it! Now I only have one more to do, and that's not 'till next Wednesday, so yay!

Am thoroughly looking forward to spending my time asleep, having fun, being with friends and doing nothing! It will be brilliant.

Good luck to you all who still have exams, and remember...

I don't know, stuff.

Bye xxx

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Today I have done both an English exam, and an Anthropology exam... both of which I was STRESSED about


I'm a happy bunny now... but SO not in the mood for more revision. But revise we must,

Bye bye poppets xxx

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Revision? No. Learning for the first time? Oh yeah... with bells on!

Everybody gape in awe... for the revision process has FINALLY begun! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Also, I haven't drunk anything alcoholic since Sunday... Hurrah! Hurrah!

Urm. Nothing else to report... my life is so damn uneventful... I ought to go out and make things happen! But, I'm too tired, and I have a 9am lecture that I plant to attend tomorrow, so I'll be signing off now... love ya! xxx

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To use a very overused word...


Sorry. But that's about it.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Panic stations!

Okay, so as far as the up and coming exams go.... I'm screwed. I am very, very worried at this point. And I have a summative practical to write up. And another class test on Monday. I don't know what I'm doing, where to begin, how to begin... and worst of all I can't seem to find any real motivation to crack on with it. Everytime I think about exams I get panicky, so I don't think about them... hence I haven't started revision yet. But that makes me panic more. Which makes it harder still for me to get on with it. Its a neverending spiral, and I guess I'm just going to have to take a deep breath, rouse my self up and GET ON WITH IT.


And I've had enough of the alcohol too... I can't keep hiding behind it.

So today is Monday, we'll see how it goes. Love etc, xxx

Today, briefly

Wake, dress, migraine, ouch, Katie, sleep, lunch, south park, sleep, work, internet, talk, Amy, Emma, Katie, baaars, alcohol, pizza, film, talk, MSN.... bed???

