Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Party like its Post 99

I haven't blogged in ages, not because I've been overly busy doing wonderful and exciting... purely through laziness. Anyway, today I have returned to the blogging world for one reason only... procrastination. Not even mid-way through my essay, which I feel like I've been writing for a decade or two, and I am about ready to... I don't know, do something stupid out of desperate boredom. Instead I thought I'd post. As it happens, this is my 99th post, which is quite exciting, don't you think?

Anyway... is there anything worthwhile to tell you about the last weeks... probably not, nothing you don't all already know anyway. And what of the future... as good as my psychic powers are, I can't be sure of what's going to happen, though we are having a Halloween Party tonight, and I will be working next Saturday. Other than that, we shall have to wait and see.

Question for you all... if you could look into your future, would you want to?

That's all for now folks, now I might go arrange my underwear draw... xxx